What does your prayer table look like

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what does your prayer table look like what do you have on it do you have flowers do you even have one
jay 2:
what does your prayer table look like what do you have on it do you have flowers do you even have one
what is a prayer table?
For me, a prayer table would be somewhat like a shrine or a home altar, where you can put holy items out.

Jay, what did you have in mind by “prayer table”?
At the moment, my prayer table simply consists of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, a Douay-Rheims Bible, and a special light blue glass bead and metal chain (maybe silver or pewter) John Paul II commemorative Rosary from the Vatican.
My prayer table consists of on the table 1 statue of Jesus, 1 statue of Mary, 1 statue of St. Michael, a crucifix, a book that we write all the prayers request we had had from those in need, a bible and a picture of our Lady of Guadalupe on the wall directly above the table.
I have a statue of Jesus, rosaries, holy cards, crucifixes, a St.Martin of tours candle, and a picture of Jesus. And just underneath are missals and the Holy Bible.
I don’t have one right now, but plan on having on in the near future. It will consist of a crucifix, a Holy Bible, a rosary, print of the Divine Mercy painting, and a statue of St. Benedict.
I actually went and bought a kneeler a few months ago, and I use it fairly regularly. It’s top is small and slanted, so no room for a lot of stuff. However, I do have a table-top crucifix that will stay there without falling off. Also room for my prayer-book and my elbows, not much else.

Well my prayer table is more of a prayer room…my room to be exact. My bed is strewn with a San Damiano crucifix, a prayer book. My study desk is packed with such titles as the Catechism and the Good News about Sex and Marriage. About 10 bibles of varying accuracy are strewn throughout. On top of my book case (perhaps not the best place) is a few statues of our Lord and Lady and two Pyx’s. I pay reverence to it, but its hard to dust. Then there’s my box filled with Rosary’s, holy water bottles, books. Man there’s just too much lying around here! Just helps sometimes, no matter where I look theres a Sacramental.
I have a plain wooden cross, a bottle of Holy Water, a prayer journal, a Bible and books. There are holy cards of a some Saints in the drawer.I don’t have flowers - but that’s a good idea.
Here is what we have:
  • Our family bible
  • A framed “picture” of Jesus
  • A framed picture of our Pope
  • A cross
  • Our prayer petitions notebook
  • An Our Lady of Guadalupe Candle
  • An Our Lady of Guadalupe shaped holy water container
  • The pixes (empty of course) that we use to deliver the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
  • Our Rosaries and a Rosary prayer booklet
The funny thing is that I realize that in our “pictures” Jesus and the Pope are wearing the same type of clothes! White robe with a red covering… coincidence? 🙂

God bless you all,
I have a Divine Mercy pic, a crucifix that I’m going to have blessed by my Spiritual Director in a couple of weeks, a few candles, a few neat holy cards that I framed, Stations of the Cross hanging along the wall, a small statue of St. Patrick (patron saint of my parish), a couple bibles and a copy of the Confessions.

Someday, I hope to have a statue of our Lady, a kneeler (expensive!) and an incenser. I love the smell of incense! 🙂 And any other cool Catholic things I can get hold of.

When I think of all the beautiful Catholic church accouterments tossed in the trash during the 60s and 70s, it makes me ill. There are so many people who would’ve loved to have had those things in their homes. 😦
Sacred Heart Statue, Child Jesus statue, Blessed Mother, St. Francis, and Jesus with his Staff in hand statue, all of these are on my home Altar.
I have a nightstand with 7 candles in front of a brass altar crucifix two statues of Jesus on each side of it. (Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy) A picture of Christ the King on the wall above it a plaque of the Sacred Heart and above that a large Luminous Crucifix.
All I have is my kneeler in front of a table with a bible on it. But at the top of my stairs is the “shrine” with every concievable Catholic knick knack on it and then some.
Our Lady of Fatima Statue, two red votive lights, Rosary, Bible, Prayer book, Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart Pictures and a picture of John Paul II.
OH! And a vase with one fresh Rose which I place there every week. The last few month’s or so, the roses were from my garden and lasted 2-3 weeks between changing. Very special I thought. That is a long time for a rose to remain fresh. ❤️

One year, I had roses blooming in the snow…in December.
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