What energy occures in the brain concerning a thought?

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Neurons fire and blah, blah, blah…hence a creature is conscious of its thoughts. And, apparently, all thought is stored as infomation inside the brain even when said thoughts are not in use. But what do they mean ‘infomation’ (what does this ‘infomation’ look like?) and is there any mental activity (energy, neurons firing etc.) around the unconscious-but-still-there thoughts at all?
Well… Currently the exact mechanism by which thoughts occur and are recorded is not quite fully understood. Hence the on going brain mapping project.

In one sense many things are considered under the umbra of “information”. For example, if you toss matter into a black hole, it is unknown what happens to the information of that object within the singularity.
Neurons fire and blah, blah, blah…hence a creature is conscious of its thoughts. And, apparently, all thought is stored as infomation inside the brain even when said thoughts are not in use. But what do they mean ‘infomation’ (what does this ‘infomation’ look like?) and is there any mental activity (energy, neurons firing etc.) around the unconscious-but-still-there thoughts at all?
That would have made an even longer thread title.
Neurons fire and blah, blah, blah…hence a creature is conscious of its thoughts. And, apparently, all thought is stored as infomation inside the brain even when said thoughts are not in use. But what do they mean ‘infomation’ (what does this ‘infomation’ look like?) and is there any mental activity (energy, neurons firing etc.) around the unconscious-but-still-there thoughts at all?
The sensory powers of our soul are dependent on bodily organs for their operation, for example, the five senses, the imagination, the sensory common sense, and the sense appetites. The intellectual or spiritual power of our soul, our intellect and will, operate independently of any bodily organ. However, in this life as our soul is united to the body, our intellect needs the images and perceptions we receive through the senses to gain knowledge of the external world. But the very operation of the intellect and will is independent of a bodily organ, it’s a spiritual and immaterial power. The brain is not the intellect or will, it is a material bodily organ that at least some of the sensory powers of our soul depend on for their operation such as the imagination. God, the angels, and the souls of human beings after death have intellect and will without being tied to a material body.
When a thought occurs, there are a multitude of corresponding physiological events taking place in the brain consisting of depolarizations in the action potential between the inside and the outside of specific cells in specific centres. There are accomapying cascades of intracellular changes and releases of neurotransmitters between the depolarized cells and the ones with which they communicate. In other words there is no thought in the brain. The thought occurs in the mind. Both systems are dimensions (for want of a better term) in what is a unity that is the person.

You are sitting on your chair. Immediately there are events in the thalamus and connecting neurological centres that bring your attention to the sensory experience of the chair’s pressure on your behind. It takes a brain to do this. It takes a mind to understand what is being said for the experience to exist. I’m not sure one can make more sense of this. It actually just gets more awesome the more one knows. I think of it as a Divine joke, keeping us in our place as creatures needing God to know the Truth.
Imagine showing a television to a lost tribe of people who have had no contact with the outside world. Now try explaining to them that the picture and sound of the television comes from broadcasting companies. The tribal people would probably look at you like you were nuts, insisting that the sound and picture were originating from within the television set itself.

Now, rethink where consciousness comes from; might it be that this is the working of spirits that originate from afar, and not merely a product of our brain? And, just as the picture of the TV would be disrupted through a malfunction, so too with the brain.

It’s interesting to note that human beings make great television antennas. I do not think this is coincidental. Think about it, how is it that TV and radio signals pass through the human body?

Are we passive receptors of our consciousness, via the Spirit of God? This is profound, with lots of implications, but I do believe so.

Implicit in such a notion, our self-consciousness is merely an illusion within our mind. And, anyone who thinks about it, the entire ‘self’ is indeed an illusion; the self is neither physical nor real.
In our present mode of existence, our spiritual soul with it’s faculties depends on matter (the brain in this case), to receive sense impression, from which we abstract ideas of things, this is a spiritual process not possible to examine empirically not possible to use physical things to demonstrate except through effects which we rationalize ( a spiritual process), the spiritual soul of man is "extrinsically "dependent on matter for it knowledge gain from the senses but is not dependent upon matter for it’s existence. Knowledge of the soul itself comes from logical reasoning upon the nature of knowledge, self-awareness, and autonomous activity found in humans. Concepts(thoughts) are spiritual in nature, thats why they can not be empirically examined. Modern science doesn’t even consider the spiritual, if it’s not physical, it’s not real.
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