What exactly am I praying for?

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This has bothered me for some time.

Say, for example, I’m praying for a friend’s safety on a trip.I pray to God that he makes it there safely with no problems or accidents.If he arrives safely, I praise God because it all turned out all right. If something bad hapens, I accept it as God’s will. The problem I’m having is: Aren’t I almost praying to appease God who really wants something bad to happen and only by my constant begging of him is it prevented. Can I really call this praying? This begging to God not to let bad things happen to my loved ones?

We’re always praying for cures and peace in the world and our loved ones happiness. Should we really be praying for these things? Can we really pray to change God’s mind.

Truthfully, I’m not up to that task.

How should I be praying? I don’t want to be praying to a God who will bless us by the skin of out teeth. I guess I’m disturbed by the person who’s family and home are spared in a fire or earthquake and they say how blessed they are. What about the person who lost everything? Do we have any right to call ourselves blessed in any of these circumstances?

Am I totally off base in all of this? Any suggestions are deeply appreciated.


This is the first thought that comes to mind. Others may hit the nail on the head more fully. When we pray, part of what we are doing is to increase the treasury of graces available through intercession. We are also increasing our love, our charity, which is the greatest of the three theological virtues. God is outside of time and knows all outcomes, but we act within eternity incarnate, in and through time. We don’t always know what we should pray for (*), but as we grow in charity we become more able to see everything as an expression of God’s love and truth. The greater our love, the more fully we can live in Christ, and Christ in us. We pray for good things because we love, and we accept what turns out to be the case because we love. We accept pain because it is a purgative and a chance for penance. How people actually refer to outcomes is not always accurate.
This has bothered me for some time.

Say, for example, I’m praying for a friend’s safety on a trip.I pray to God that he makes it there safely with no problems or accidents.If he arrives safely, I praise God because it all turned out all right. If something bad hapens, I accept it as God’s will. The problem I’m having is: Aren’t I almost praying to appease God who really wants something bad to happen and only by my constant begging of him is it prevented. Can I really call this praying? This begging to God not to let bad things happen to my loved ones?

We’re always praying for cures and peace in the world and our loved ones happiness. Should we really be praying for these things? Can we really pray to change God’s mind.

Truthfully, I’m not up to that task.

How should I be praying? I don’t want to be praying to a God who will bless us by the skin of out teeth. I guess I’m disturbed by the person who’s family and home are spared in a fire or earthquake and they say how blessed they are. What about the person who lost everything? Do we have any right to call ourselves blessed in any of these circumstances?

Am I totally off base in all of this? Any suggestions are deeply appreciated.


Hi Don,
Personally, I don’t pray to change God’s mind. Refer The Lord’s Prayer, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He really loves you and me and all of creation. We don’t have the wisdom to know what is the best. Would you pray for Jesus to be crucified, No. But because He was you can live eternally. So pray God’s will be done and His love will conquer. When man lives in sin( everyone) God’s will is not done and this causes calamity. This is not Gods will. He doesnt want us to disobey Him and hurt someone. Innocent people may be hurt but this is not God’s will. God wont intercede for every sin created by every person in all of the world every second of every day. If He did we would be living in paradise: and we would not have overcome “this world” or have gained knowledge, which is what Adam wanted. Blame that one on sin, or the following of evil spirits. This is a confession, my son is a homosexual. I used to loathe them, but I love my son and he is a beautiful person and it was through him I came to understand “love the person hate the sin” I still loathe the sin, but I love the people. Judgement of people is not my place, loving them is.
That you are capable of loving is shown by your concern for others, so just focus on this, and dont let the fairness or unfairness of a situation warp you.
Christ sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen us so we can over come our sins. We just have to ask and want to overcome, then in His time we will conquer sin after sin. Some we dont want to give up,some we really enjoy so we keep a part of ourselves separate from Christ. We dont invite Him in when we are sinning. We keep that in the dark. Let Him in, completely.
Christ be with you. Walk in love. http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
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