Does it involve a sort of “addiction” that Satan then uses for his own instrumental goals?
If so, we may have been responsible for becoming addicted, but with a poor grasps on how easily it was, and therefore we may be less culpable in that once the addiction takes hold, it’s largely beyond our control to change our behavior. Free will would likely become compromised.
What are the mechanisms that create these addictions? Again, can a person have free will and simply say I’m not going to do that anymore, or does Satan have them under a strong spell where escape is difficult.
What does it mean when we say that only God can release us from the hunter’s snare?
If so, we may have been responsible for becoming addicted, but with a poor grasps on how easily it was, and therefore we may be less culpable in that once the addiction takes hold, it’s largely beyond our control to change our behavior. Free will would likely become compromised.
What are the mechanisms that create these addictions? Again, can a person have free will and simply say I’m not going to do that anymore, or does Satan have them under a strong spell where escape is difficult.
What does it mean when we say that only God can release us from the hunter’s snare?