I would like to know what everyones thoughts are as to how purgatory will be? It will be a cleansing of the soul…so will it be painful? Will it be trying? Will it be hard? What do you all think?
Wow the raving anti-catholics are getting more ridculous with their claims all the time hey at least give us Tertullian in the 2nd century. We can document that and many church fathers explicitly after him and implicity with the earlier church fathers and the scriptures themselves. Heck its in Jewish tradition where do you think it came from. Historically speaking it comes from the book of Maccabees. Even if the Jews didn’t think it was canonical they did think Maccabees was historically factual thus the battles, the story of hannukuh, the traditons and stories in that book are considered authentic traditions of that time.Pergatory is a non-existent place devised by pagans and adopted by the RCC in 1439 by pope Gregory, dogma #593 Council of Florence.
Just another addition to things that are not in the Bible but if as a catholic you don’t agree to you are anathema.
Oh by the way, it is no longer a curse to hell as it once was, now it just means you are not a recognized member if they pronounce that on you. Or so they will tell you.
Jesus is the truth and He promised to set you free.
John 8:31-32 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Perhaps even if it were, the soul’s knowledge that he would be eventually accepted into the blessed company of the chosen of God would mitigate that soul’s suffering. Cleanse me with thy purging flame so that I may become worthy of thy presence!I would like to know what everyones thoughts are as to how purgatory will be? It will be a cleansing of the soul…so will it be painful? Will it be trying? Will it be hard? What do you all think?
I’m sorry to say that I CANNOT believe in purgatory due to the fact that it is not taught anywhere in scripture… The Bible makes very clear what happens when a person dies…Luke 16:19-31
Luke 16 says that the poor man went to "kolpon abraam", which means "bosom of Abraham". Luke does not say that the poor man went straight to Heaven.
The concept is taught in scripture. But what about the word.I’m sorry to say that I CANNOT believe in purgatory due to the fact that it is not taught anywhere in scripture… The Bible makes very clear what happens when a person dies…Luke 16:19-31
Well, do you believe the book of Matthew was written by Matthew?I’m sorry to say that I CANNOT believe in purgatory due to the fact that it is not taught anywhere in scripture… The Bible makes very clear what happens when a person dies…Luke 16:19-31
What if funny that outside of the Lutheran and Refromed circles you won’t find too many Christians that will buy into Luther’s theory of covered dung in heaven. (What is it whith Luther’s obsession with the excrement anyway). Most Methodist, Evangelicals and Pentacostals will agree with the concept of free will and holiness being a requiremnt of heaven. They are far closer to the catholic view in that sense. The concept of how you get holy is the stumper.Classical Protestants can’t believe in Purgatory because they don’t believe in HEAVEN! (Not as we catholics do, anyways)
Luther taught that the saved are like heaps of dung covered with perfect, pure white snow. But fundamentally, his vision of heaven is one populated by dung heaps!
The catholic understanding of heaven is that it is entirely populated by people who have been so transformed by Grace as to no longer have any inclination towards sin anymore. Since Catholics also believe totally in free will (versus some form of God FORCING perfection on us), and since we on earth are DEMONSTRABLY sinful in spite of being redeemed and penitant, there must be a way station of some kind where the process of sanctification is completed.
I have found that there are not so many classical protestants out there anymore who see heaven as a bunch of snow covered dung heaps. If they really do have the Catholic vision of a heaven filled with sanctified believers, it is not so hard to convince them of the truth of purgatory. Just don’t use the WORD purgatory until they understand the concept. Too much baggage/Chick tracts.