What good is Prayer when you are sleepy?

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I’m trying to put God first. But I have a busy life, often am dog-tired mornings and evenings when it’s my prayer-time. If I get up, have breakfast and then pray, I think I pray better and longer. On the other hand, if I pray after I get up, my prayer is drowsy, very poorly focused, have to jog myself awake. Is the sacrifice of praying when it is hard, repeating prayers over and over because my mind blanked out or wandered, worth more to God than a wide-awake, well-focussed prayer?
It seems to me that the saints were always fatigued yet spent hours in prayer. To be honest if I am too tired to pray at night, I say a quick thank you for the day, and get to bed.
Should I force myself to pray when I am fatigued?
Should I force myself to pray when I am fatigued?
I would say that the effort to pray is a form of sacrifice and is, therefore, beneficial. Also, our spirits can engage when our bodies and minds are tired, so I’m certain that no prayer is waisted.
I’m trying to put God first. But I have a busy life, often am dog-tired mornings and evenings when it’s my prayer-time. If I get up, have breakfast and then pray, I think I pray better and longer. On the other hand, if I pray after I get up, my prayer is drowsy, very poorly focused, have to jog myself awake. Is the sacrifice of praying when it is hard, repeating prayers over and over because my mind blanked out or wandered, worth more to God than a wide-awake, well-focussed prayer?
It seems to me that the saints were always fatigued yet spent hours in prayer. To be honest if I am too tired to pray at night, I say a quick thank you for the day, and get to bed.
Should I force myself to pray when I am fatigued?
…what is in your heart? …are you firmly resolving to do better?..

i’m inclined to believe that even a little bit of prayer is better than no prayer at all…

…as long as you don’t whine later about unanswered prayers, we’ll all be ok… just kidding… the good Lord loves you and will help you…


I would say that the effort to pray is a form of sacrifice and is, therefore, beneficial. Also, our spirits can engage when our bodies and minds are tired, so I’m certain that no prayer is waisted.
Good insight, Jim.

If this is a problem for you, why not change your prayer time. When are you at your best? Why not give God your very best?

If you are a morning person, think about giving God a few scheduled minutes in the morning. If you are worried about not having enough time to get ready for your day, I promise that in God’s economy, you will not lose those precious minutes - but gain them 3 fold (like the fish and loaves multiplying).
What good is prayer when you are sleepy?

What good is a laugh when you are happy?

What good are tears when you are sad?

What good is a sigh when you are frustrated?

What good is a growl when you are mad?

Nothing goes unnoticed by God. He values everything. Last ditch efforts at our weakest moments are valued. How do you suppose you will feel moments before death? I imagine not much different from the moments before sleep.
I would say that the effort to pray is a form of sacrifice and is, therefore, beneficial. Also, our spirits can engage when our bodies and minds are tired, so I’m certain that no prayer is waisted.
I agree. When I’m tired, before I start to pray, I ask my gaurdian angel to pray with me and also ask the Holy Spirit to pray with me and in my place if I fall asleep without compleating the prayer.
Dear maireteresa,

“Is the sacrifice of praying when it is hard, repeating prayers over and over because my mind blanked out or wandered, worth more to God than a wide-awake, well-focussed prayer?”
quote, maireteresa

How about, what is the worth of a sleepy 'good-
morning" from a child, trying to rub sleep out of
his/her eyes? The mother or father of such a
child treasures that good morning.

There’s a book called The Practice of the Presence
of God by Brother Lawrence that demonstrates
how we can stay in the presence of God - all day!

An Israeli woman once wrote that she uses
everything in her day to thank God. As in:
Thank you God for protecting me during the

Or, thank you God for giving me these warm
slippers to put on this morning. What ever
the mind can actually register, first thing in
the morning.
On a reallllly dull morning…thank you God
for helping me to function enough to get

But I like the book by Brother Lawrence a lot.
It’s even online at:

aka Zusia
I certainly “feel your pain”, so to speak. I know what it’s like to be so tired you don’t want to pray.

BUt it’s definitely good for you, even if you repeat yourself 100 times.

I would second the idea of finding a time when you’re at your best - maybe even take time off during lunch and pray then?
Our Cardinal who is undoubtedly busy reminded us that we need to pray first…and then do other things. God should be first not last in our lives. So if we are too tired to pray then are priorities were not set on God at all. So we set our alarm a little earlier and pray then when we are fresh, and do our morning offering, so that all things throughout the day ar ein God’s name. Then if we do fall asleep saying a rosary at night…my mom always told us, that the angels would finish it for us. do it anyway!

And all prayer has great value as long as our intentions are noble. If the only reason we are praying is for petition for something we desire…like a new house, or a success in our lives, rather than for someone, in thanksgiving for something, or in repentance for something, than our prayers may go unanswered or we might miss the point that the answer is “NO”. Keep praying anyway.
Thank you for all your replies, support and encouragement! I will persevere!
Prayer is lifting your heart and mind to God…you don’t even have to say anything…the fact that you choose to is enough for Him…an act of love if you will…
Some of my best prayers have been prayed when I was so tired that I barely got myself into bed…but always at least said thank you and that I was sorry that I have offended Thee…
Sometimes in the morning after a terrible night’s sleep…that mere thought of Him as I awaken is a prayer and that “heroic moment” of literally throwing myself out of bed for Him is a prayer…
I think that these mean more to Him because it’s hard…:yup:
Dear Marieteresa
Nice question.First the very intention which you have will definite be worthy in the eyes of God.

You can lear simple ejaculations like Jesus.Mary and Joseph…Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me…Eternal Father I offer thee the most precious blood of Jesus Christ in atonement for my sinsfor the relief of the souls in Purgarory and for good of the Catholic Church…etc etc…

May God Bless you
Marie theresa
Excuse my mistakes…

I mean you can mentally say not hear and so on all day I am sure you will understand what I mean in case there are any more mistakes otherwise you can always send me an email
Here’s what works for me…Since I am a mother, work at home mom with my own business…two young children and one on the way…I take certain tasks during the day and “assign” a prayer for each. Unloading the dishwasher…pray the Jesus Prayer…bless my children once they fall asleep and say the Lord’s Prayer…in the car, say a Hail Mary for someone in your life that needs uplifting…when my husband leaves for work in the morning, say a prayer for him…see what I mean…you don’t necessarily have to have a “set” time to pray, but I do find that also…a little time alone in the bathtub for a quick soak is an excellent time to pray.
Prayer is good to relax the soul from resting while the body is as well. And at the very least, prayer helps calm all the faculties to get a peaceful and restorative night’s sleep.🙂 Thanks and God Bless.
For me, no matter how tired I am, it’s the “Confiteor”. Oftentimes I’ll fall asleep praying the “Our Father” or “Hail Mary”…Just a habit of mine, and a good one I suppose.
~ Kathy ~
One of my favorite parts of the Liturgy of the Hours is the closing of Night Prayer… “May the Lord grant us a restful night, and a peaceful death”. Typically concluded by praying or singing the Salve Regina.

What better thing to have filling your mind as you drift off to sleep? It’s very calming - to think of a restful night and a peaceful death, and recognize that God is watching over you, at all moments of the day and night, at your rising, your labors, your resting, your sleeping, and your dying.
I work hard with long hours, so when I do get home, I am indeed exhausted! So do what I do: keep your prayers brief and informal. You don’t need to do formal prayer each and every time. God is going to hear you because He can see your heart, not how long you can talk.

One thing that just occurred to me: are you worried about the rosary? I remember back in the day when I was a real Fatimanatic. I thought and felt that I was committing a major mortal sin if I didn’t do my rosary each and every day! I truly believed that I was seriously letting Our Lady down if I didnt’ do it. Now I know better.

So please don’t feel this way about your prayer. If you can pray, then pray. If you are tired, keep it brief. And please, don’t worry about formal prayers like the rosary. Pray it only when you know are you wide awake long enough to put your all into it!
Thank you all once again for your valuable contributions and suggestions.
The one I love the most is the worth that a sleepy ‘good morning’ from a child to a parent has for the parent. I hadn’t thought of prayer like that!
Great, thank you once again.
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