What habits do saints have in common?

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As a woman who longs to be a saint (I don’t care if I’m ever declared one or not - I just want to bring people to God), I’m wondering what saints have in common. I welcome your thoughts.

lots of daily prayer
being very sorry for their past sins
redemptive suffering
always putting God first
not being afraid to go against the world and do the right thing

my Mother my Confidence,
**Prayer and lots of it. **

**I understand about the wanting to be a saint, but not caring if you are declared one or not, but just drawing people to God. I’ve wanted to be like Mother Theresa, but not a nun or known world-wide. I’ve wanted to be like her in that she saw Jesus in everyone. I heard a story where she was so able to see Jesus in people, that if someone was being a stinker, she could say to Jesus “Well, You’re not being very nice today”. Me, I’d just get pretty angry at them.:o **

**Oops, didn’t mean to go on like I did. Just wanted to say that I understood. :o **
Momofone said:
**Prayer and lots of it. **

**I understand about the wanting to be a saint, but not caring if you are declared one or not, but just drawing people to God. I’ve wanted to be like Mother Theresa, but not a nun or known world-wide. I’ve wanted to be like her in that she saw Jesus in everyone. I heard a story where she was so able to see Jesus in people, that if someone was being a stinker, she could say to Jesus “Well, You’re not being very nice today”. Me, I’d just get pretty angry at them.:o **

**Oops, didn’t mean to go on like I did. Just wanted to say that I understood. :o **

Don’t apologize. I understand. I need to work on seeing God in others as Blessed Mother Teresa did, too.

my Mother my Confidence,
The Dominican habit. Hahahaha!

Oops, I married instead. What to do… j/k I have a friend who is one of the holiest people I know and she has her eye on the Nashville Dominicans.

my Mother my Confidence,
putting God first
at least twice a day I pray (usually with the meal-blessing prayer) and ask God to use me and let me serve Him…it’s helped me a lot and hopefully it’s helped others, too

daily rosary

my Mother my Confidence,
One virture that I believe all Saints have is humility. A few years ago, I listened to a talk by Fr. John Corapi on humility. In it he said that he had studied, over 500 lives of the saints. (Studied, not just read) All of them, as Fr. John said, had great humility. There was not a single Saint that he came accross that didn’t have this virtue.

Look at the example of the greatest Saint in Church history, Our blessed Mother, Mary. (Luke chapter 1)

God Bless
One virture that I believe all Saints have is humility. A few years ago, I listened to a talk by Fr. John Corapi on humility. In it he said that he had studied, over 500 lives of the saints. (Studied, not just read) All of them, as Fr. John said, had great humility. There was not a single Saint that he came accross that didn’t have this virtue.

Look at the example of the greatest Saint in Church history, Our blessed Mother, Mary. (Luke chapter 1)

God Bless
Right on! I always try to be humble. I could pride myself on praying for people, taking care of DH and preborn Baby, keeping the apartment clean, etc. but I’d much rather thank God for Baby, DH, the apartment, our friends and family, etc. I find that gratefulness for everything (taking nothing for granted - hard to do) helps me stay humble.

my Mother my Confidence,
Dear Corinne

You were born to be a saint! That is your destiny in Christ Jesus, that is what you are to be whilst living here and in the next life!

To be a living saint now and for all eternity:
  1. Love God
  2. Love each other
  3. Love God’s Law and keep it
  4. Repent
  5. Make penance
  6. Live a life of prayer…pray unceasingly
  7. Forgive without measure
  8. Trust God
  9. Trust each other
  10. Be peaceful and keep the peace
  11. Persevere
  12. Be courageous in all things
  13. Be silent
  14. Share everything
  15. Be Prudent
  16. Be Wise
  17. Fast
  18. Be Eucharistically Joyous
  19. Die to self
  20. Embrace your cross
  21. Be humble and poor in spirit
  22. Love the Truth
  23. Become detached from worldly things
  24. See Jesus in all people and be a good brother/ sister to them by treating them as you would be treated yourself.
  25. Keep the Sacraments
  26. Consecrate yourself to the Sacred Hearts of our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary and Jesus.
  27. Uphold the Majesterium
  28. Be Obedient
  29. Read Sacred Scripture so that it enters your heart, not just your intellect, in entering your heart, live it and in living it evangelise.
  30. Live in the Holy Spirit, forming virtue, grace and conscience, worshipping in spirit and truth.
  31. Live under our Blessed Virgin Mother Mary’s mantle.
  32. Be simplisitic and disciplined
  33. Remain the servant, never greater than the Master who is servant of all.
  34. Be Merciful
  35. Be thankful , happy and rejoicing. Enjoy your life as God desires you to.
  36. Recognise God in others and His works in them and in the world as well as your own self and life.
  37. Achieve holiness through all these things in your state in life.
Most importantly of all these and encompassing all these…



God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Great list, Teresa!

Have you been talking to members of the Pro Sanctity Family? You sound like Teresa Monaghen, who heads the Pro Sanctity Center outside Elkhorn, NE, including the Little Flower Day Camp and Camp Fun N Faith (both all-girls Catholic camps). She loves to tell people that we’re all mean to be saints and if you think about it, it’s true!

Pro Sanctity: prosanctity.org/index.php

Here’s another thing to add to the list: a childlike faith and trust in God.

my Mother my Confidence,
As a woman who longs to be a saint (I don’t care if I’m ever declared one or not - I just want to bring people to God), I’m wondering what saints have in common. I welcome your thoughts.
You should read up on the Desert Fathers. They worked out a system for creating saints. But it was tough.

A good book to start with is: 'In the Heart of the Desert : The Spiritualilty of the Desert Fathers and Mothers" by John Chryssavgis. You’ll find it listed, with many useful links, at:


I read it recently. It’s very good.
Great list, Teresa!

Have you been talking to members of the Pro Sanctity Family? You sound like Teresa Monaghen, who heads the Pro Sanctity Center outside Elkhorn, NE, including the Little Flower Day Camp and Camp Fun N Faith (both all-girls Catholic camps). She loves to tell people that we’re all mean to be saints and if you think about it, it’s true!

Pro Sanctity: prosanctity.org/index.php

Here’s another thing to add to the list: a childlike faith and trust in God.

my Mother my Confidence,
Dear Corinne

No I haven’t but thanks for the web link for their site. I am in the UK so didn’t even know of their existance.

Thanks again 🙂

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Humbleness. (I think it was already mentioned–humility).

I don’t think that we can enter the Kingdom of God without it. (I wish I could remember where I heard that.)

And isn’t it hard to do? We always want to take credit for things and look good.

Love one another as Christ loved us. That is perhaps the hardest thing for me to do. Even when I’m trying extra hard to do that, I’m not always sure what the best way to love them is. Very, very difficult.
The habit of always listening for God’s voice and will, whether it represents itself through prayer or through the voices and acitons fo others.Also, faith that they will eventually hear it no matter how great the odds seems agianst them, and even if they feel spiritually dry, they persevere with faith and trust that eventaully they will realize what is God’s plan for them and that God does have a plan…but I think these are more characteristics than habits.
Oops, I married instead. What to do… j/k I have a friend who is one of the holiest people I know and she has her eye on the Nashville Dominicans.

my Mother my Confidence,
No one ever said you couldn’t join the Dominican third order!

I have a friend looking into the Nashville Dominicans too.

To be a saint? Pray. To pray as you need in order to become a saint? Know Christ in the Eucharist, and he will take care of the rest for you.

Know him in the mass. Know him in Eucharistic adoration.

obedience, trust in God, humility, prayer, devotion to the Eucharist, frequent confession and communion, service to the poor.
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