What happen this

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First, consider your source. Of course they will slant the news in favor is islam. Second, they are french
(enought said).
Greetings DhGray, yes I know, that they greating the amounts but there are that tendency, in addition I know that France is secular, but I don´t understand why the french, well so sophisticated people and reasonable think that is better islam that catholicism, I am speaking about the converts that are french, respect moors and others there are fear, but french is a mystery, merry christmas
HI Franz,

I heard once, that Islam is a fast growing religion because they hold fast to their religious truths. The don’t accept abortion, homosexual marriages, etc. If someone wants to support such practives, they get kicked out of the religion and are seperated from their families. If a muslem wavers in his/her faith, they get them back in line. ON THE OTHER HAND, 50% of so called US “Catholics” voted for a pro-abortion canidate, the US Episcopal Church installed a Homosexual Bishop, the Jews have women pastors and the list goes on. Where the Christians say you should pray several times a day, the muslems say, “YOU WILL PRAY seveal times a day,” or else you will be kicked out (in some cases killed) and you WILL be considered dead to you spiritual family and your physical family.
Islam is a relatively easy faith to digest. No CCC for them. You have to perform the “Five Pillars” which include praying, fasting, trip to Mecca, declaring you are Muslim and paying zagat or their version of tithing. Shucks it’s easy, no creeds to learn, no catechism, no hierarchy, no priesthood or bishops.

The more I learn about Islam the more unattractive it seems. JMO. I just cannot imagine the appeal but if anyone thinks it appeals to the French because it is “sophisticated” they need to understand it’s anything BUT sophisticated.

Lisa N
HI Franz,

I heard once, that Islam is a fast growing religion because they hold fast to their religious truths. The don’t accept abortion, homosexual marriages, etc. If someone wants to support such practives, they get kicked out of the religion and are seperated from their families. If a muslem wavers in his/her faith, they get them back in line. ON THE OTHER HAND, 50% of so called US “Catholics” voted for a pro-abortion canidate, the US Episcopal Church installed a Homosexual Bishop, the Jews have women pastors and the list goes on. Where the Christians say you should pray several times a day, the muslems say, “YOU WILL PRAY seveal times a day,” or else you will be kicked out (in some cases killed) and you WILL be considered dead to you spiritual family and your physical family.
DhGray, I know this, when I read the bulletin of Legion of Mary, I see that in Anwerp( Belgium) there are conversions to the church of muslims and this produces because there are laics going street to street and people is in many things so ignorant, and I thought that if they were more, many conversions would do, the most problem now is, was and will be the lack of coherency in the catholics, greetings
DhGray, I know this, when I read the bulletin of Legion of Mary, I see that in Anwerp( Belgium) there are conversions to the church of muslims and this produces because there are laics going street to street and people is in many things so ignorant, and I thought that if they were more, many conversions would do, the most problem now is, was and will be the lack of coherency in the catholics, greetings
AMEN. it’s sad that the Church is so divided.
Because if a Muslim converts to Chritianity, they are often killed.
Not “often”, almost always. Apostasy and heresy are automatic death penalty offenses for Moslems in virtually all Islamic countries.

Christians and Jews are “tolerated” as they predate Islam. But faiths such as Bahai, which is a 19th century innovation, are also subject to the death penalty if they don’t reconvert.

I’d bet you don’t see too many LDS teams going door to door in Islamic countries.
Ray Marshall:
Not “often”, almost always. Apostasy and heresy are automatic death penalty offenses for Moslems in virtually all Islamic countries.

Christians and Jews are “tolerated” as they predate Islam. But faiths such as Bahai, which is a 19th century innovation, are also subject to the death penalty if they don’t reconvert.

I’d bet you don’t see too many LDS teams going door to door in Islamic countries.
You are talking about the most fanatical parts of the Islamic church. Much of Islam is just as relaxed, if not more so, than Christianity. This is why Theocracies are such a terrible idea. It’s never the reasonable members of the church that want to control a state.
Ray Marshall:
Not “often”, almost always. Apostasy and heresy are automatic death penalty offenses for Moslems in virtually all Islamic countries.

Christians and Jews are “tolerated” as they predate Islam. But faiths such as Bahai, which is a 19th century innovation, are also subject to the death penalty if they don’t reconvert.

I’d bet you don’t see too many LDS teams going door to door in Islamic countries.
One question, we are speaking about France, non arabic countries, greetings
Ray Marshall:
Not “often”, almost always. Apostasy and heresy are automatic death penalty offenses for Moslems in virtually all Islamic countries.

Christians and Jews are “tolerated” as they predate Islam. But faiths such as Bahai, which is a 19th century innovation, are also subject to the death penalty if they don’t reconvert.

I’d bet you don’t see too many LDS teams going door to door in Islamic countries.
THE LDS makes it a custom to not prostelize unless a region has a significant Christian influence. Its kinda hard to buy into the whole Mormon thing unlees you know about a catholic church that aposticized that required a restored movement.
Thus they love to invade latin america. They will go to the parts of Africa that have an established Christian presence but never wander into Muslim or native religion territiories.This way
They can sell their story a lot easier. The whole Joseph Smith thing is irrelevant to a Muslim, or Buddist.
You are talking about the most fanatical parts of the Islamic church. Much of Islam is just as relaxed, if not more so, than Christianity. This is why Theocracies are such a terrible idea. It’s never the reasonable members of the church that want to control a state.
First of all Islam has no church of any kind.
Many Islamic countires routinely denegrate the Christian minority they live with or you not aware of the problems the Coptic Orthodox are having in Egypt.
Saudi Arabia and other fundie Islamic areas allow zero christian churches this was the case in Afghanistan as well if it changes there is will be because of the United staes influence there now. The Islamic tradtion there alone would never allow christian missionaries to come on over.
There were catholic christian communites in North africa before Islam they have not allowed the catholic church to come back and reestablish a presenece there.
Don’t beleive all the good will on christians and Jews that Islamist provide the United nations so they won’t get critisized. Irnocially Sadaam Husein was extremely friendly to the christian churches in Iraq. He was a secular dictator and not a theocracy like in Iran so the church acutally was stable while he was there. Now that he is gone the Islamist blow up Christian churches weekly.
If the people allow me I would like to fix the debate, because french people prefer to convert to islamism and not catholicism, why?, not speaking about islam because there are other threads treating this, please, greetings
If the people allow me I would like to fix the debate, because french people prefer to convert to islamism and not catholicism, why?, not speaking about islam because there are other threads treating this, please, greetings
I can think of two reasons why French people might convert to the Islamic faith.
  1. They marry someone who is a Moslem.
  2. And I’m not sure if the French pay taxes to support the Church. I know they do in Germany and other European countries. But if you convert to Islam, you might be able to get your taxes reduced.
  3. But I think the first reason is the main reason.
Ray Marshall:
I can think of two reasons why French people might convert to the Islamic faith.
  1. They marry someone who is a Moslem.
  2. And I’m not sure if the French pay taxes to support the Church. I know they do in Germany and other European countries. But if you convert to Islam, you might be able to get your taxes reduced.
  3. But I think the first reason is the main reason.
Thanks Ray, the first reason is very possible in many cases, respect the second France is a “laic state” and there aren´t support to churches oficcially like Germany where there are a tax or in Spain when you give 0.5% of the taxes, not a new tax and in France gives ethic in schools and not catholic or muslim religion.
Respect the first, it´s very sad that the woman muslims coudn´t convert, although I know this possiblity have the price in the Western to break any contact with the muslim´s woman family and this is very hard for this one. Greetings
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