Can a Catholic please tell me what happens at the end? I know we get out bodies back as stated in the Catechism but that’s about it. I really don’t want to hear anyone but Catholics please.
Revelation tells you what happens if you believe it literally.Can a Catholic please tell me what happens at the end? I know we get out bodies back as stated in the Catechism but that’s about it. I really don’t want to hear anyone but Catholics please.
Jesus will come in Glory, we will have transfigured bodies, there will be a new heaven and an new earth and we will live in complete unity with God; Every tear shall be wiped away, all evil and suffering shall be done away with and we will enjoy the beatific vision for all eternity.Can a Catholic please tell me what happens at the end? I know we get out bodies back as stated in the Catechism but that’s about it. I really don’t want to hear anyone but Catholics please.
When we die our souls are immediately judged in what is called the Particular Judgement. At that time we will find out where we will be spending eternity --either heaven or hell. If our eternity is to be in hell, our soul goes immediately there. If heaven, our soul may go straight there or, if in need of “cleansing” first, spend an undetermined amount of time in Purgatory, after which it would go to heaven (everyone in Purgatory is already saved. It is not a “second chance” or extra punishment for sins already forgiven).
At the end of time at Christ’s Second Coming, there will be a final, or General, Judgment. All the souls that have ever lived will be reunited with their bodies and stand before Christ to have their previous Particular Judgment reaffirmed. All the good and bad in their lives will be revealed to all so that the justice and mercy of God will be plain to all (Matt 25:31-46; Rev 20:11-15). Then all will go to their final destination for eternity, either heaven for eternal bliss and beatitude with God (Rev 21ff), or to hell.
For more information see the links below:
The Four Last Things Parts 1-4