I’m a several year old Catholic convert. My wife has not yet converted. We were married in a Lutheran church. We are currently seperated–at her request. It’s likely that she may decide to divorce me even though that’s not what I want. Without getting into the dynamics of the relationship, I’m curious if anyone knows how this will affect my standing with the church. I should emphasize that I won’t agree to a divorce, but I suppose eventually if she wants out then the court will oblige her.
Would I be able to remarry in the Church?
I’m hoping the marraige can be saved, but I’m also worried about my standing with the Church and ability to remarry in the future (someday) should things not work out.
Would I be able to remarry in the Church?
I’m hoping the marraige can be saved, but I’m also worried about my standing with the Church and ability to remarry in the future (someday) should things not work out.