What homeschool programs do you recommend?

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I’m considering homeschooling my son. I have been sending him to a private Catholic school since he was in kindergarten, but for financial reasons, I am considering homeschool. Also, his school requires 20 hours of volunteer work per year–and although that seems to be a small amount of time, we commute an hour to school and back everyday, and I work 12 hours, 3 days a week (plus, I have a life, and would like to spend time with my son on my days off, not chipping ice off the sidewalk of his school or stuffing envelopes, or fundraising, or all that). One lady I work with is homeschooling her 7 kids (:eek: she must have the patience of Job), and her 3 day a week work schedule seems to work quite well with that.
But I digress (as always). The real question is…what are the best Catholic homeschooling programs? I would like to hold him to the same high standard that the private Catholic school he is now attending holds him to. He ranked one of the highest in a national Latin exam this year, they are teaching higher math, higher sciences starting in 6th grade. Even though I do not know Latin beyond the root words I learned in elementary school, and the medical short hand I learned in college (lol), I wouldn’t mind learning right alongside him. Any that you can recommend, along with some websites with more information? Thank you so much for your time.
The best program is the one that works for you!

I always recommend reading Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum by Laura Berquist before you do anything. —KCT
There are some great programs available, including Seton, Mother of Divine Grace, Kolbe, etc. We have been using Kolbe and we are switching this year to Catholic Heritage Curriculum. All of these programs have websites and tons of information for you to pick and choose what is right for your family based upon what you know about your child’s strengths and learning style. In addition to the Catholic curriculum you would have the opportunity to attend Daily Mass. We do a quick morning routine of prayer, a Saint a Day podcast, and we read the day’s Mass readings together. It is a wonderful way to start the day and seems to get everyone in a positive attitude.

God Bless
Also, check out the Angelicum Academy. We are using it with our two children and are extremely pleased. They advance the kids one year in math, and they provide a very wide range of subjects. HTH!

Never having hs’d, I cannot recommend any curriculum per se-but I did love the book The Catholic Homeschool Companion by Maureen Wittman & Rachel Mackson which I ordered from All Catholic Books. When it arrived, I rec’d a catalog from Memoria Press which appears to have a great Latin program/materials.
God Bless, Renny
The best program is the one that works for you!

I always recommend reading Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum by Laura Berquist before you do anything. —KCT
I would also recommend a subscription to Home Education Magazine in addition to Laura Berquist’s excellent book.
Also, check out the Angelicum Academy. We are using it with our two children and are extremely pleased. They advance the kids one year in math, and they provide a very wide range of subjects. HTH!

Angelicum also has the option of receiving a B.S. along side your high school coursework. Their high school course work is built around the Great Books–studying Socrates, Plato, Aristotle instead of more modern works. They of course emphasize Latin and Greek as languages. They offer an online Socratic discussion group.

If you can get to a Catholic homeschooling conference, you will get lots of information and actually get to see material.

Also, check out the Angelicum Academy. We are using it with our two children and are extremely pleased. They advance the kids one year in math, and they provide a very wide range of subjects. HTH!

I am really discerning whether I should go with Seton or Angelicum Academy. Do you know what the differences in the program are. Maybe a list of Pro’s and Con’s.

Thank you.
Thank you everyone for your replies. Just as an update, I’ve decided on Angelicum Academy. The curriculum is very close to the one at his school, and I like the idea of online Socratic discussions of the Good Books. (I just need to have a better internet connection, as I am one of the last in the world who actually uses dial-up…:hmmm: )
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