I’ve been looking for a good family magazine to subscribe to and was thinking this morning what all I would like to see in it. Not sure if my perfect magazine exists or not, but if it does, someone here will know. So here is what i’d like to see:
Articles about relationships/marraige. One geared towards the man, another for the woman. Both each month. Iv’e read some excellent books lately like “Understanding the mind of a woman”, and “The five languages of love”. It would be great to have a little reminder each month on things to look out for in how we treat our spouses.
An article on some bit of catechism. It never hurts to be reminded of these things.
An article on society, and how we can improve. Some example topics might be “why is artificial birth control wrong”, “why is gay marraige wrong”, “What are we (society) improving on”
Perhaps some discussion of this months upcoming gospils.
Parenting tips
Special discussion on any upcoming Holy Days. (i.e. December could have a discussion on St. Nicholas Day, history of, different traditions, etc.).
A Q&A forum for write in letters.
Movie and TV reviews
Lot’s more ideas. I’m sure this magazine exist, just don’t know what it is. If anyone knows of such a magazine, please let me know. If not, any magazine publishers out there? I bet this would fly.
Articles about relationships/marraige. One geared towards the man, another for the woman. Both each month. Iv’e read some excellent books lately like “Understanding the mind of a woman”, and “The five languages of love”. It would be great to have a little reminder each month on things to look out for in how we treat our spouses.
An article on some bit of catechism. It never hurts to be reminded of these things.
An article on society, and how we can improve. Some example topics might be “why is artificial birth control wrong”, “why is gay marraige wrong”, “What are we (society) improving on”
Perhaps some discussion of this months upcoming gospils.
Parenting tips
Special discussion on any upcoming Holy Days. (i.e. December could have a discussion on St. Nicholas Day, history of, different traditions, etc.).
A Q&A forum for write in letters.
Movie and TV reviews
Lot’s more ideas. I’m sure this magazine exist, just don’t know what it is. If anyone knows of such a magazine, please let me know. If not, any magazine publishers out there? I bet this would fly.