So say I am in a state of mortal sin and acknowledge it. I am going to confess my sins to a priest and en route die in an accident. Am I just going to be sent to hell?
Only God would know the state of your soul at death.So say I am in a state of mortal sin and acknowledge it. I am going to confess my sins to a priest and en route die in an accident. Am I just going to be sent to hell?
The third way is through the mercy of God…when we take the power of God’s mercy out of the equation, we are guilty of that one sin that cannot be forgiven, which through non-belief in the power of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.That’s not what the catechism teaches. We must be in the state of grace to be saved, and that can only be achieved in 2 ways:
Probably not. The fact that you had the intention of going to confession is a sign that you probably already had perfect contrition.So say I am in a state of mortal sin and acknowledge it. I am going to confess my sins to a priest and en route die in an accident. Am I just going to be sent to hell?
Obviously, for a contrite person in mortal sin, getting to confession safely is conducive to his salvation! If God does not grant it, as the Roman Catechism says, then it is proof it was not needed (again, this assumes contrition).For God will either grant what is asked, and thus they will obtain their wishes; or He will not grant it, and that will be a most certain proof that what is denied the good by Him is not conducive either to their interest or their salvation, since He is more desirous of their eternal welfare than they themselves.
And again:Luke 11:[9] And I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. [10] For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. [11] And which of you, if he ask his father bread, will he give him a stone? or a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? [12] Or if he shall ask an egg, will he reach him a scorpion? [13] If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father from heaven give the good Spirit to them that ask him?
John 14:13…whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, that will I do
Secondly, He also desires all to be saved (see also 1: Tim 2:4):John 16:23…Amen, amen I say to you: if you ask the Father any thing in my name, he will give it you. [24] Hitherto you have not asked any thing in my name. Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full.
Therefore, God grants us anything we ask for if it is conducive to our salvation. As I said before, a contrite person on their way to confession is seeking sanctifying grace itself, therefore getting there safely and being absolved is always conducive to their salvation and the Lord promises that the person will find what He seeks.Matt. 18:[11] For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. [12] What think you? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them should go astray: doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains, and go to seek that which is gone astray? [13] And if it so be that he find it: Amen I say to you, he rejoiceth more for that, than for the ninety-nine that went not astray. [14] Even so it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.