What is absolute truth?
May I just request that we first work on what is truth?
You see, when you and I that is we bring in a term that is composed of two or more words, and we want to work together to concur on what is the meaning of that term, in the present context, absolute truth, we must concur on every word in the composite term, in the present context, absolute truth.
So, what do you say, guys here, shall we work first on what is truth?
Would you want me to start the ball rolling with what I mean by the word truth?
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Okay, tell me, Oh Christian, what do you mean by self-evident truth; even your Savior was asked that question by Pilate, and it seems Pilate didn’t bother to wait for the Savior to answer, I guess Pilate did not think he should waste his time with more words and concepts from Jesus to no purpose at hand.
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Originally Posted by John 18:37-38
37Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” 38Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews and said to them, "I find no guilt in Him.…
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So, dear ynotzap, no talk, just show how you and I can be certain that you and I exist, by some other means than talking, in particular not about socalled self-evident truth.
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Here, I will hazard a concept of what is truth: it is a human certainty on the existence of a fact.
So, now we have to work on what is a human certainty and what is a fact.
Now I will just in my own wording present what I understand by a human certainty and what by a fact.
A human certainty is for example that we know from our experience that there is a nose in our face, a fact is something that we know to exist, and we are sure because we can see it existing by sighting it or touching it or hearing it, etc.
Do you get my meanings of what is human certainty and what is a fact?
Unless we concur on what is human certainty and what is fact, we cannot eventually come to concur on what is absolute truth.
Do not be deterred by too much work for the sake of concurring on the meaning of absolute truth, it is not going to be endless work when we always go finally to the our experiences, yours and mine, instead of working futilely on and on again, on words and concepts, and avoid coming to our life of experiences.