Hello, does the bible in any way about the rapture?!
Sort of. Certain Protestants have contended that verses n 2 Thessalonians refer to the “rapture”. John Nelson Darby, a 19th Century English minister, was a big mover of this idea. The “Left Behind” series is a pretty accurate representation of what they believe is going to happen.Hello, does the bible in any way about the rapture?!
While Pentecostals are frequently Dispensationalists, not all Dispensationalists are Pentecostals. In my experience, Baptists and non-denominationals tend to be Dispensationalists. From what I’ve read, Presbyterians flirted with it early on due to the Westminster Confession’s mention of dispensations, but today, most Presbyterians seem opposed to it. I have met a couple Reformed Christians who believed it, but they were a bit mortified by the “pop Dispensationalism” in Left Behind, but I think they agreed with it but just didn’t think it was “academic” enough and made the whole system look bad to skeptics.Sold a lot of books, mostly to the fundamentalist and Pentecostal crowd
Before Left Behind hit the bookstores and the silver screen,author Hal Lindsay sold millions of his best seller “Late Great Planet Earth”, published about 1970. Really made the doctrine and line of thought mainstream, a lot of Catholics and others started seeing the ideas as quite ordinary, when a previous, more religiously literate generation, would have at least recognized it as an innovationThere have been a number of Pentecostal authors who have written whole series of books about “The Rapture” popularizing it in the public domain. I think the main author was a guy named LaHaye. Sold a lot of books, mostly to the fundamentalist and Pentecostal crowd. As Eric said, it is a contrivance, not scripturally supported.
If I remember properly, the series was the “Left Behind” series of books. I
The bible says nothing about the rapture. This idea is an invention of a Protestant sect.Hello, does the bible in any way about the rapture?!