What is an Adoration Chappel?

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An adoration chapel is a place where the Eucharist is exposed for adoration.Sometimes the chapel is for perpetual adoration, meaning that at any hour of the day or night you can go in and pray before the Blessed Sacrament.🙂 WAY COOL!!!🙂
Someone is assigned every hour because the Blessed Sacrament is never to be left alone. I’m leaving here in a bit to cover for a friend on vacation. I’ve been so afraid I’d forget!!! but I suppose I can remember for another 1/2 hour.

Our parish has an adoration chapel which is open 24 hrs/day. There are enough volunteers so that there is always at least one person praying before the Blessed Sacrament. Of course, you don’t have to be signed up to come in at anytime.

mark a:
As others have stated, the Adoration Chapel is a place to pray and be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrement.

Our church has recently put in a chapel, and I find it so peaceful when I go there . . I hope you’ll consider going to one, too, Mark.
An adoration chapel is a place for the worship of Jesus in the Eucharist.In many churces it is where the tablernacle is placed. It is to be designed as a fitting place this intention. It is to be easily recognizable by anyone entering the church.So that they know where to show reverence to Jesus. The blessed sacrament is exposed at times for adoration. The implement used for this is called a monstrance. At other times the Eucharist is retained in the tabernacle and people may come and worship that way.A candle is always lit when Jesus is present. I think when the sacrament is exposed two candles are lit-one on each side of the monstrance.People can make a holy hour before Jesus in adoration or in the tabernacle.
Our parish also has an adoration chapel which is open 24 hrs/day and the blessed sacrament is exposed in a monstrance at all times. It was 3 years ago I volunteered to spend an hour a week in the chapel and it was 3 years ago when my life radically changed. Siting in the prescence of Jesus in the Eucharist does wonders for the heart and soul. If you have a chance to spend anytime in an adoration chapel do so because it is just awesome.
Being in the Adoration Chapel is like stepping out of time - so much so that I call it “The Alternate Universe.”

are you being a smart aleck??? did someone misspelled chapel???
Are you talking to me? No, I’m not being a smart aleck at all - that’s how I feel in the Presence of Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament - like I’ve gone from time into eternity - from earth to heaven - to an alternate universe where there is no time - only God - only Love.

And yes, someone did misspell “chapel.” We were ignoring it until now.

are you being a smart aleck??? did someone misspelled chapel???
I forgot to run spell check and you forgot to run grammer check. We mortals are so imperfect!

Thanks to all who posted. Are there any special rules to enter? May I enter in my work clothes?
mark a:
Are there any special rules to enter? May I enter in my work clothes?
Without going into the whole shorts, skorts, cullottes (sp?), dress, skirt, jeans, etc. thread again, we’re in the presence of Jesus, right there in front of us in the monstrance. I wouldn’t make a habit in going in dirty work clothes. But, again, I decided a few times to run in to the chapel on spur of the moment, in shorts, but won’t make that mistake again, LOL.

I went in tonight and actually looked at how the other two people were dressed (both were women). Both were dressed nicely. Come to think of it, seldom do I see people “dressed down,” although I did on an occasion or two.

And no, I’ve never heard of needing an appointment or any special arrangements to go in an Adoration Chapel. I was nervous the first time I went in, but it took all of two seconds to realize what an incredibly fantastic place it is – and I was the only one in there at the time, which makes it even better!

Without going into the whole shorts, skorts, cullottes (sp?), dress, skirt, jeans, etc. thread again, we’re in the presence of Jesus, right there in front of us in the monstrance. I wouldn’t make a habit in going in dirty work clothes. But, again, I decided a few times to run in to the chapel on spur of the moment, in shorts, but won’t make that mistake again, LOL.

I went in tonight and actually looked at how the other two people were dressed (both were women). Both were dressed nicely. Come to think of it, seldom do I see people “dressed down,” although I did on an occasion or two.

And no, I’ve never heard of needing an appointment or any special arrangements to go in an Adoration Chapel. I was nervous the first time I went in, but it took all of two seconds to realize what an incredibly fantastic place it is – and I was the only one in there at the time, which makes it even better!

I’m with JElane on this one. I gather that as long as its not in dirty work clothes, then that’s fine. the number of times I’ve been in our chapel, he people were dressed in every day clothes. Since it is in the presence of the Lord, and this is just me personally here, I’d probably not wear shorts. . but that’s probably another thread.
Our parish also has an adoration chapel which is open 24 hrs/day and the blessed sacrament is exposed in a monstrance at all times. It was 3 years ago I volunteered to spend an hour a week in the chapel and it was 3 years ago when my life radically changed. Siting in the prescence of Jesus in the Eucharist does wonders for the heart and soul. If you have a chance to spend anytime in an adoration chapel do so because it is just awesome.
Wish my chapel had a perpeutla adoration. We do keep the chapel open until 9 p.m. every day, though. I’ll have to see what it would take to keep it open 24/7 …

Thanks, Penguin.
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