What is Appropriate?

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This is probably a trivial question, but as a Catholic teen, I’ve both heard and seen different examples of what people see as “appropriate” for a teenage girl to wear. I make sure not to wear anything clothing wise that may send a questionable message, but what about wearing makeup?

I’ve heard from several sources that as a good Catholic, I shouldn’t wear makeup, as it is an affront to God and how He chose to create my appearance, but still other sources state that as long as it’s used in moderation, it should be fine.

Should I be wearing any at all, or is moderation truly key?
I’ve never heard that a Catholic woman shouldn’t wear makeup. Pentecostals, yes, but Catholics? That would be especially problematic to me, as I sell makeup! As far as I know, cosmetics are permittable. The things to worry about would be vanity (being overly concerned with one’s appearance) and honoring parents (in the case of a teen).

Our society places entirely too much emphasis on looks, yes, but wearing a little makeup does not make one a prostitute or a heathen. And I would much rather see a teenage girl wear too much makeup than too little clothing!!:cool:
This is probably a trivial question, but as a Catholic teen, I’ve both heard and seen different examples of what people see as “appropriate” for a teenage girl to wear. I make sure not to wear anything clothing wise that may send a questionable message, but what about wearing makeup?

I’ve heard from several sources that as a good Catholic, I shouldn’t wear makeup, as it is an affront to God and how He chose to create my appearance, but still other sources state that as long as it’s used in moderation, it should be fine.

Should I be wearing any at all, or is moderation truly key?
As a young male, I like women who do not wear makeup. I like women that are comfortable with who they are and even if they are not very pretty, they still remain unwaivering…and if no one finds you attractive, oh well, why not give your life to Jesus who does find you to be a beautiful sould.
Makeup also smell funny too…it smells fake and strange to me.
St. Rose of Lima messed up her face on purpose…but she was beautiful from the depths of her soul.
Amreican/European women are superficial…they wear the most makeup…women in poorer countries don’t…they are more beautiful.
As a mom, I believe “less is more” I see girls AND women who look like they need a chisel to take it off at night. I think "some " is nice if done right. If it makes you feel good, I personally don’t see anything wrong. But one thing I really do not like is the “goth” look. or whatever you call it. They look dead.
~ Kathy ~
This is a good question. I was a teenager not too long ago (i’m 22) so I know the pressure to always look perfect. To try and be modest in that environment is not easy, so good for you for trying to do that. 🙂 Makeup I think is fine, as long as it’s not plastered on. A little foundation, some mascara, lip gloss, maybe light colored eyeshadow on special days, that’s cool. Basically just don’t go overboard. You know how I mean. Some girls I went to school with looked ridiculous with all that stuff plastered on. (to go with their stilleto boots in math class :rolleyes: ) And guys really do appreciate it when girls don’t wear too much. My husband thinks that makeup is unneccesary.
Anyway, hope I helped! 🙂
Just enough to enhance what God has given you.

Think of how a nice stain will bring out the grain of the wood, while an enamel will cover it completely.
This is probably a trivial question, but as a Catholic teen, I’ve both heard and seen different examples of what people see as “appropriate” for a teenage girl to wear. I make sure not to wear anything clothing wise that may send a questionable message, but what about wearing makeup?

I’ve heard from several sources that as a good Catholic, I shouldn’t wear makeup, as it is an affront to God and how He chose to create my appearance, but still other sources state that as long as it’s used in moderation, it should be fine.

Should I be wearing any at all, or is moderation truly key?
follow your heart… i think you already know the answer… a good guide… if mom came to school with me, do i want her looking naturally beautiful (which includes minor makeup) or do i want her looking like something that works the corner(you get my meaning)… i really think your aware of what works…
Peace 👍
Most women look better without it. If you don’t wear it then you don’t have to worry about how it looks. I am grateful that my wife doesn’t wear any. She is beautiful the way she was made.
Thanks for all your replies, it helps to know what other Catholic’s think, because they usually aren’t so caught up in being the image of “perfection” that ends up looking far too plastic for my preference :rolleyes: .

My parents don’t actually moniter what sort of makeup I wear, because I tend to go for more of the natural look anyway, but there’s always alot of pressure to go that "extra mile’, especially when it comes to physical appearance. It’s difficult to accept yourself for what you are. Unfortunately, you tend to wonder if the compliments aren’t mere flattery and the doubt you feel more of the truth.

Remembering that God loves you for who you are isn’t something you see demonstrated in those around you in high school, and the truth of the matter is, without that knowledge you end up becoming concerned about the things that don’t really matter, instead of concentrating on what God likes to see in you and what you choose to put your faith into.

The general consensus is always helpful just to see if you’re going the right way, and it’s refreshing to know that there are those out there who would still rather put their faith in God and true beauty, rather than the propaganda that surrounds us, claiming to be the source of “true beauty”. I think all the focus we place on shallow aspects of our lives sends a message to all of us, young or old, that convinces some, and even myself, at times, that maybe we aren’t good enough to make it in the world.

The “reality” shows depicting individuals going through thousands of dollars’ worth of surgery just to look like a celebrity disturbs me, and it sickens me to a degree that the majority of my generation would rather focus on what they could have rather than the natural gifts and beauty they’ve already been given.
I think it is important to think about your intention. What message are you going for? First of all, God told that us that " We are supposed in the world, but not of the world." I like to wear natural looking makeup, so I fit into society as a professional, but not too much to make myself look too worldly. I think you need to find a healthy balance. Most importantly, you need to remember especially at your age, that God doesn’t care what’'s on the outside, but what’s inside your heart, and whatever you feel in your conscience to wear than do it.
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