What is being done for Christians in the Syria and Iraq?

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As we debate immigration from Islamic countries. What is being done for Christians from those countries? Would it be possible for the The Vatican City State to issue immigration Visas for fleeing Christians? They could then seek assistance in other countries or from Church communities willing to help them.😃
well as far as I can tell: The British are primarily in the region with other NATO allies fighting the Islamic State, Putin is thwarting US efforts to overthrow Al Assad, and people are still migrating by the thousands via unsafe rafts that are prone to capsizing leading to many unfortunate deaths. So to answer your question… not much really.
As we debate immigration from Islamic countries. What is being done for Christians from those countries? Would it be possible for the The Vatican City State to issue immigration Visas for fleeing Christians? They could then seek assistance in other countries or from Church communities willing to help them.😃
Unfortunately, where/when there is genocide, not much is done until after the fact.
If they allow Christians to flee, they will be pressured to free muslims too, since muslims are also being killed there, and a lot of people are against muslims coming to other countries. So if they allow Christians, the whole Islamophobia issue will be raised up
If they allow Christians to flee, they will be pressured to free muslims too, since muslims are also being killed there, and a lot of people are against muslims coming to other countries. So if they allow Christians, the whole Islamophobia issue will be raised up
Salutations I Christ, Jesus. ,
As far as I heard, only Muslims have been brought into our nation. Though, some Muslims were being killed ( I don’t know what for) The Christians are the first target. For facts, I would think there will be a UN REFUGEE SITE FROM SYRIA? Maybe it would break it down. Prayers are needed constantly. A prayer for God to change the hearts, minds, and spirits of Putin,Assad, and ISIS. A prayer for the cessation of Sharia law.
in Christ’s love
Tweedlealice :signofcross::gopray2: :angel1::console::blessyou:
Australia is taking 13000 ‘minority’ refugees from Syria. Read ‘minority’ for Christian and you get the gist of government policy. This is in addition to the normal yearly intake of 12550 refugees from that area. A drop in the bucket, but a good start to save Christians.
Salutations I Christ, Jesus. ,
As far as I heard, only Muslims have been brought into our nation. Though, some Muslims were being killed ( I don’t know what for) The Christians are the first target. For facts, I would think there will be a UN REFUGEE SITE FROM SYRIA? Maybe it would break it down. Prayers are needed constantly. A prayer for God to change the hearts, minds, and spirits of Putin,Assad, and ISIS. A prayer for the cessation of Sharia law.
in Christ’s love
Tweedlealice :signofcross::gopray2: :angel1::console::blessyou:
A lot of Muslims are being killed, for not submitting to ISIS’s ideology. ISIS hates Christians/non muslims more obviously but think of them as maniacs bombing places randomly. Just recently, Islam’s holy city was attacked. So while there is persecution of Christians, it’s not their only focus. So it would be hard for people to specifically help Christians when they aren’t the only victims
The question being asked should not be what is being done, but what am I doing.

A donation to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) earmarked for this cause is just one way.

Its easy to do, and I encourage you to make a donation when you are online.

Peace and All Good.
The question being asked should not be what is being done, but what am I doing.

A donation to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) earmarked for this cause is just one way.

Its easy to do, and I encourage you to make a donation when you are online.

Peace and All Good.
Also, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council has been collecting monies for their “Christian Refugee Fund” to help persecuted Christians worldwide, with 100% of the monies going directly to the cause.
well as far as I can tell: The British are primarily in the region with other NATO allies fighting the Islamic State, Putin is thwarting US efforts to overthrow Al Assad, and people are still migrating by the thousands via unsafe rafts that are prone to capsizing leading to many unfortunate deaths. So to answer your question… not much really.
I agree with your conclusion; not much is being done.

Right now, the U.S. is essentially aiding Iran and Iranian-led Shia militias fight against Sunni, with some effect, but not very much. That’s not likely to be forgotten in a Sunni world that despises Iran above all things.

Contrary to popular belief, ISIS is very weak. It wouldn’t take much to carve out a safe haven for Christians and others in Iraq and Syria. We just won’t do it because Obama characterized Iraq as the “bad” war.

All Putin has been doing is saving Assad. He virtually ceded most of Syria and all of Iraq to western action if we would just do it. Remember that Turkey offered to send in ground troops against ISIS if the U.S. would ensure a “no fly zone” overhead. But Obama wouldn’t do it.

So, while I don’t agree with everything you said, I certainly agree that this country is doing nothing to save Christians in Iraq and Syria. And it’s because this administration doesn’t want to do it.
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