So I’m a recent revert, and I like to think I make a conscious effort daily to pray, read LotH, sometimes do the rosary, read to brush up on apologetics and philosophy that might make God more “tangible”,and generally shape my behavior around what I perceive God would want. But one sticking point I have is understanding what belief is. To me, it’s an intangible feeling/emotion/state of mind about an intangible intellect/creator/thing. I can’t really wrap my head around it. This may be a derivative of the “faith as a virtue” thread, but I find it hard to prove, even to myself, that my belief exists or just is. Maybe it’s because I’ve never experienced it, but it’s not like someone can show me belief. And I feel like being reductive and saying “do you believe 2+2=4 or that George Washington existed” doesn’t help since those are demonstrable in reality, so belief might not be the most appropriate word. So I suppose it’s hard to distinguish going through the motions from genuine, real belief. Anyone else ever been through something similar? Do you feel different now from then? Did you have some kind of epiphany?