What is forgiveness?

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Hi all,

I have been thinking about Laci Peterson and what her mother is going through. I also noticed during mass we prayed for the imprisoned, this came to mind. I understand we are to forgive. That does not mean we condone what these people have done, nor that we do not want them to pay their debt back to society, however that may be required of them. However, does forgiveness mean we want their souls to be saved or that we pray for them to see what they have done wrong…What is forgiveness?

Is it just letting go of the anger and pain. If so, that really has nothing to do with them, it is more for us. See, I am thinking of types like Manson, Hitler, Pol Pot, Scott Peterson(If he is found guilty) People who have done pure EVIL. What does forgiveness mean?

From the CCC:

2844 Christian prayer extends to the forgiveness of enemies, transfiguring the disciple by configuring him to his Master. Forgiveness is a high-point of Christian prayer; only hearts attuned to God’s compassion can receive the gift of prayer. Forgiveness also bears witness that, in our world, love is stronger than sin. The martyrs of yesterday and today bear this witness to Jesus. Forgiveness is the fundamental condition of the reconciliation of the children of God with their Father and of men with one another.

1968 The Law of the Gospel fulfills the commandments of the Law. The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, far from abolishing or devaluing the moral prescriptions of the Old Law, releases their hidden potential and has new demands arise from them: it reveals their entire divine and human truth. It does not add new external precepts, but proceeds to reform the heart, the root of human acts, where man chooses between the pure and the impure, where faith, hope, and charity are formed and with them the other virtues. The Gospel thus brings the Law to its fullness through imitation of the perfection of the heavenly Father, through forgiveness of enemies and prayer for persecutors, in emulation of the divine generosity.

It seems that we are to forgive in imitation of the Father who forgives out of generosity and compassion.

We humans are all sinners alike. We cannot think ourselves above those who commit acts of evil for all of us are capable of committing mortal sin of murder. This is why Jesus said to merely call another “fool” or other such derogatory names is to put one’s soul in danger of hell fire. For the law of hell is arrogance and hatred.
So, then, if I understand the catechism and what you are saying, the answer to my question would be basically yes. Forgiveness is wanting salvation for that soul no matter what evil was done. I understand that we are all sinners capable of anything, I just was wondering exactly what is forgiveness. Hmmm, it is a lot to pray about and ponder, because I know we must forgive then, but it is indeed hard sometimes to muster up that sympathy. I guess we just need to work on the beam in our own eye, huh and don’t get ahead of ourselves. I just feel such pain for Laci’s mom, and all who have lost loved ones in such a violent way.

I think that forgiveness is the willingness to let a wound be healed, in whatever way God sees fit to accomplish that. Anger and the nursing of pain, on the other hand, come from the insistence on keeping the wound open.
I think that forgiveness is the willingness to let a wound be healed, in whatever way God sees fit to accomplish that. Anger and the nursing of pain, on the other hand, come from the insistence on keeping the wound open.
I think I totally agree with this.

I see that the most dangerous thing of unforgiveness is if one “nurture” his/ her pain.

Personally I would go up to the point of erasing all kinds of memory : destroying/ keeping pictures, letters, and even (may be) moving to a new place, etc and never look back. But it depends on each person. Everyone could have their own way to deal with their feelings. Some psychology teach not to run away from pain but deal with it. This may be good too ------> but this one is not for me :-), I would rather “forget” and steady myself and let God deal about the rest. *

But one thing that makes us forgive is to trust in God who will take care of the one we love (in heaven or everywhere), and that He also The One to give us grace so that we can forgive totally or gradually.

Knowing Jesus’s pain on the cross is one way that makes one forgives others. If anger come to strike, just remember Jesus’s suffering, then say to Him (although in anger, say this) “Thankyou God that You have suffered for me. Your suffering must have been greater than mine. Thankyou Jesus. You who always forgive, grant me that I can forgive (mention the person’s name)” Remember Jesus’ pains, that He suffered the “ultimate injustice”, because He was and is the most innocent and yet unjustly suffered more than anyone could imagine… unto His death. Remember that this is how God put us into death together with Him, so that we will be resurrected together with Him too.

Surely it will appease our anger. Because some “bad spirit” might use our anger to make us sin. It’s ok to be angry as long as it does not make us sin (this is a verse from bible). But if we nurture anger and then “seek our own kind of justice” or may be “find comfort in sorrowful ways” then it’s not healthy and prone to receiving “attack” from sin.

All in all, I think forgiveness is a struggle. So we have to be sure that we are with “The Strong Coalition” all the time.

Practice forgiveness from everyday life too. Be simple in the way that we think. Always try to find solution (in our heart) instead of making problem becomes bigger and bigger (in our heart). Solution always makes problem smaller and smaller (starting from our heart). It’s amazing how simple people are very much more victorious in this area. This also makes us more forgiving. This does not mean that we have to “hide” nor “pretend” that we are not angry when we are (it has nothing to do with appearance or outward action. This is more about “inner mechanism”). We just have to learn to “find solution” (in our heart) instead of “blocking every path, because we feel comfortable with our sorrows”.

God bless.*
Thank you. I have been out of town and just got this post. Thanks for the thoughtful replies.

Forgiveness in itself brings into the darkness, the love and light of God, forgiveness in itself is Divine and without God’s grace we would not be able to forgive in it’s true sense. It rips open the dark act, the sinful act and puts at the very centre of it the light of God. Forgiveness does not omit justice, it does not omit consequence, it does not omit guilt. It is the over bearing act of love that negates all evil. Forgiveness is mercy at it’s highest. Forgiveness heals both the sinner and the victim of the sin, it is in all it’s sense healing. Forgiveness is to be on the cross and pray for those who sin against you and against God. It is when they repent, to forgive for their soul and for the mercy of your own soul, for all humanity and for the world, as sin is a sin against not only the person , but humanity as a whole and against Mother church and God and heaven itself. When we forgive it heals the rent not only against ourselves but also against all of the aforementioned. Ulitmately forgiveness in it’s complete and pure sense is only deemed in the confessional and what is forgiven there is bound in heaven also or between the sinner and God. Judgement is mine says the Lord!!

To forgive IS truly Divine and a grace from God

God Bless you all and much love and peace xxx
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