What is Grace

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Just what is Grace? I was talking to a Priest the other day and he said that it was the unmerited favor that God gives to us.
Thanks, Dave.
Just what is Grace? I was talking to a Priest the other day and he said that it was the unmerited favor that God gives to us.
Thanks, Dave.
Faith in God is a Grace,it is an unmerited gift.Have you ever notice that some people just can not accept Jesus?God is very generous with his Grace,but some choose to reject it:crying: What exactly do you want to know about it?By the way Oudave I am tickled you talked to a Priest:) I am praying for you and your wife and I am sure many others are too.God Bless
The old catechism definition of Sanctifying Grace was something like this: It is a created sharing in God’s own life, enabling us to live a holy life and enter heaven. It is, in a sense, the life of God living in us, but a “created” sharing in that life, because God, being pure spirit, cannot break off a “piece” of himself to share with us.

(Now in the Eucharist we do receive Jesus totally, both body and soul, humanity and divinity. But he does not break off a piece of himself. We receive him in his entirety.)

The Church also recognizes a second kind of grace–called actual grace by way of differentiating it from sanctifying grace. It consists in those numerous spiritual helps that we receive from God on an “as needed” basis to help us live our Christian life.
Thank JimG:) I was thrown off and surprised and pleasently at the poster starting this thread:thumbsup: Oudave,please if there is anything you don’t understand about it do not hesitate to ask.God Bless
“Grace” is the translation of the Latin “gratia” which has a beatiful mixture of meanings including loveliness, gift, influence, favor, and gratitude. This is the term that St. Thomas used when writing about Grace in the Summa Theologica:

[note to protestant friends: notice in this passage how the theology flows from scripture and is not imposed on it; Catholic tradition is indeed biblical]

I answer: as the apostle says in Rom. 13:1, “the powers that be are ordained of God.”Now the order of things is such that some things are led to God by means of others, as Dionysius says Coel. Hier. 6, 7, 8). Hence grace, which is ordained to lead men to God, works in accordance with a certain order, in such a way that some men are led to God by means of other men. Grace is therefore twofold. There is grace through which a man is himself united to God, which is called sanctifying grace. There is also grace whereby one man co-operates with another to lead him to God. This latter gift is called “free grace,” since it is beyond the capacity of nature to give, and beyond the merit of him to whom it is given. But it is not called sanctifying grace, since it is not given in order that a man may himself be justified by it, but in order that he may co-operate towards the justification of another. It is of such grace that the apostle speaks in I Cor. 12:7: “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal,” that is, for the benefit of others.
Grace is something that is free. No adult can lead a virtues life with out grace. Without grace you would not have hope or believe in God. No one earns grace.

I got this off a program whice had a Fr. Benedict giving a presentation on Grace. I hope this helps.
Hi odave! 🙂

Another person asked the same question in August 2004. I’ll post a link to to that thread.

The more you search God the more Grace you will get to live the ways He wants you to live in what ever situation you are in. Another way to say it it is that with His Grace you will get the strength to cope with your situation in a catholic/christian way!
To participate in the sacraments :bowdown2: , espeasially the Holy Eucarist and confession will be of great help for you to receive Gods Grace (a little bit at the time).

Here is the link, odave: 👍



Grace in general is the result of love, they are related:

Because of His infinite love for us, he graciously bestowed the gift of Salvation.
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