We won’t know until (or if) we get there. But I envision a much deeper, richer, more intimate and loving relationship with all the friends and family members I’ve known on earth (assume they get to heaven), and love more perfect and true than any we could experience on earth. That’s because in heaven all the negativity and judgmentalism is absent, and there’s no longer an criticisms or bullying or anything damaging to the soul that we experience in this life. There’s just love of the purest and most unconditional kind. I look forward to that. And I hope to see a LOT of my people there.
I also anticipate meeting ancestors and relatives I never got to know in this life, because I was either unaware of them, or they died before I was born. I anticipate some very welcoming introductions, although I think, when I get to heaven, I shall already be able to recognize them even though I shall be meeting them for the first time.
Again, we don’t really know what we shall experience there or what it will be like for each of us, individually. But that’s part of the wonderful mystery.