What is homeopathy?

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Since things have gotten somewhat hostile on the other thread (and I accept partial blame), I thought I’d start a new one off on the right foot.

Part of the issue is that many of us, including myself, were quite ignorant to the actual definition of homeopathy.

From dictionary.com:
ho·me·op·a·thy n.
A system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug that in massive amounts produces symptoms in healthy persons similar to those of the disease.
Basically, the notion of homeopathy is that if I have high blood pressure, I should take a small amount of something that will raise my blood pressure. Kind of silly, no? I think most of us were arguing in favor of natural remedies, not homeopathy.

Henceforth, by decree of the grand master vluvski, homeopathy is to be distinguished from natural remedies. 👍

Natural remedies have often been proven effective, and are a terrific source of ideas for research on new drugs. A field of study called ethnobotany is designed to identify natural remedies used by ancient or untouched cultures so chemists can test samples of the plant and animal derived concoctions and isolate the effective components. Natural remedies have been around for quite some time, and have formed the basis of modern medicine. Here is one example of science being using in conjunction with natural remedies:
about the scientist Galen

IMO, natural remedies are crucial to modern medicine but will never go away. As I mentioned before (but erroneously referred to homeopathy), there are two reasons for this:
  1. Modern medicine allows us to improve upon nature’s pharmacy by isolating effective compounds from those will neutral or ill-effects, making many synthetic drugs superior to natural remedies.
  2. Natural remedies can be so complex that it will take centuries to isolate the combination of compounds in the proper dosage that make a certain concoction effective, making natural remedies essential for treatment of some diseases for which there is no scientifically proven cure.
If I can fine tune the meaning of homeopathy just a little:
The example of blood pressure is a good one, because we all understand it…
For a person with high blood pressure, you would lower it by taking a tiny amount of a remedy that would cause higher blood pressure in a person with normal blood pressure.
The idea is that an ill person will have a different reaction to a remedy than a well person.
That said, let me just add that I am glad to see this thread, & look forward to participating in it.
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