What is it Like in Heaven

  • Thread starter Thread starter Greg_McPherran
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Do people walk and talk?

Is there the concept of physical location or physical anything?

Do people, eat and sleep?

Is it a constant continuous state of being?

Do people do things?

Is there any joy on earth that could give us any sense of what heaven is like? I do know that Jesus said “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard…” Does this mean we can have no experience of heaven here on earth? I think a saint said that all the way to heaven is heaven and Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is here now.

Thank You,
Maybe I am not the right person to answer this but I think what is meant by “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard” is that we cannot imagine the beauty and wonder of heaven.

My husband and I have cerebral Palsy and I know God has a purpose for us on this earth but we look forward to turning these bodies in when we get to heaven,we will talk clearly and walk straight, god has promised us that there will be no more pain or anything bad there but until then we know he is using us for his own work here on earth.

I hope I helped you in some small way. I am sure others will have better answers for you.
I lifted this from my Bible encyclopedia dictionary:

**Heaven **The place and abode of God and the blessed where all the faithful shall see God, the Blessed Virgin, and all the saints, face to face. Heaven is the state of perfect happiness. Where it is, it is not known. We do know that it is the place that all those who save their souls will receive their greatest joy from knowing and loving God in the Beatific Vision, and will udnerstand finally the mysteries and wonders of cration. The happiness of each individual in Heaven will not be the same. Although each soul will be completely happy, its capacity or degree of bliss will be determined by the amount of sanctifying grace each possess at the hour of death. But each soul will be able to see God face to face and will enjoy the companionship of the Blessed Mother, the angels, and saints. After the Last Judgement, the risen bodies of the fatihful will join their souls in eternal happiness.

There is no sin in Heaven; the sight of God, the ultimate aim of each faithful individual on earth, will preclude all inclinations toward evil.

1 Cor 2, 9: But as it is written, *Eye has not seen or ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what things God has prepared for those who love Him. *(Isa. 64, 4)

Here is more what the Bible has to say about Heaven:

The place from which God Gn 28 17
manifests Himself to man 1 Kgs 8 30
Ps 80 15
Mt 23 9

The abode o/t angels Mt 18 10
Mk 13 32

The home of Our Lord Jn 3 13
prior to His incarnation Acts 1 11
Jn 6 38
Specific truths:
A prepared place Jn 14 1-2
A better country Heb 11 16
A place of reward Mt 5 11-12
An inheritance 1 Pt 1 1-4
Glorified by Christ Acts 7 55-56
Reward after death 2 Cor 5 1
Place of true riches Mt 6 20

God bless you all. Hope to see you all in Heaven!

two answers - one, i think that trying to understand heaven is like trying to understand being an adult when you’re a child. you want to hang on to all the silly things that you won’t want when you’re an adult, and alot of the things you’ll want as an adult sound strange and almost impossible to grasp as a child.

that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t think about it.

that leads me to two -

i highly recommend a book called ‘everything you ever wanted to know about heaven’ by peter kreeft. he borrows from cs lewis heavily (my fav author), and gives the best, most exhaustive, accurate, and holistic view of heaven i’ve read anywhere. heaven is a fav subject of mine, and kreeft handles it better than anyone, i’d say.
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