What is lust really?

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I have a question on lust. Is having a deep crush for a while on someone considered lust? The question has been on my mind for a while, and it’s bugging me!😦
having a crush on someone isn’t lust. thank goodness. 🙂

lust is looking at or thinking about a person or a person’s body to produce sexual feelings.

having a crush on someone just means ‘liking them’, or ‘being attracted to them’ or even just thinking they’re pretty cool, and wanting to be around them more. all of these things can take place without lust being involved.

now, just because you’re not lusting doesn’t mean there’s not sin involved. you can certainly have a crush on someone and not be sinning. thank goodness. 🙂 but having a crush may lead to treating others less charitably, or being envious when others get to be with that ‘special person’ and you don’t, or it may lead you to despise times or places that take you away from the object of your affection.

so, as with all things, take your feelings to God, and let Him know how you feel and ask for His direction in handling it. He will know what to do, and you might be surprised what that is. sometimes i’ve taken my feelings to Him about someone, and expected Him to chastise me, or lead me away from them, when in actuality, He allows me more time with them, to my great joy.

also - look for reasons WHY you might be interested in them. i’ve had crushes on girls, and they on me, and it has led to one or both of us learning alot about God or coming closer to Him through it.

even if there IS a lust factor involved, it doesn’t mean that the whole thing is wrong. you’ll want to bring your lustful thoughts under control, and you might need time away from the person to do so. but having physical attraction to pretty people isn’t wrong in itself, it’s only wrong if we allow it to lead us into sin, whether sinful thought or practice.

God bless you as you continue to grow in this ‘exciting’ area of life. 🙂
Thank you for the clarification!!!😃 I’m really glad to know the difference. Luckily for me, it’s not lust like I thought it might be!🙂 I feel a ton better!!! THANK YOU!
I agree with everything stated above, but I would just like to reiterate that there is never any sin unless you actually choose to lust. I repeat, you NEVER commit a sin unless you CHOOSE the sin. If a dirty thought ever pops into your head, it’s not a sin if you just put it out of your mind. Only if you were to continue thinking the dirty thought, or let it lead you to more dirty thoughts, would it be a sin. If this is a problem area for you, take comfort in God’s mercy. He wants to help, heal, and forgive you no matter how badly you’ve sinned.

Certainly, “liking” someone is not a sin and is different from lust entirely. It is perfectly possible to appreciate a person’s beauty or personality without lusting after them sexually. (Otherwise, you would have to commit a sin in order to meet someone and get married!)
why do i feel like i’ve just been hugged?

HEHE!😃 It’s funny you should say that…I’m a very, well, um… hug giving person! 😃 😃 😃
thanks. i can always use a good hug, whether it be a cyber one or not.
an e-scold a day…
Why be scolded at? I get enough from my parents…not that I need any, but… 😃
dhgray- why settle down? We are being good.😃 Just being friendly…like always (or most of the time-no one is perfect)😃 e-hug to you too. I think you need one!😃 And one to jeffreedy789…like he said-an e-hug a day…
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