What does “absolutely simple” mean in the context of God’s attributes?
AFAIK, that God is not made up of parts (temporal or spatial), and that He is without the sort of metaphysical complexity where God would have different parts which are distinct from himself. Divine simplicity, IOW.What does “absolutely simple” mean in the context of God’s attributes?
That description does not seem to me to be all that simple.The way that I think about it is that all of the apparent complexity in God comes from His interaction with complex concepts (personhood, resulting in the Trinity) or creatures (humanity, resulting in Jesus’ human nature and life). You might think of God as a sort of Mirror that shows the infinite reflections of things.
Well, that’s because the word simple as used in describing God is not the same as the popular contemporary definition of ‘simple’ as “‘easy to grasp intellectually’ or 'just one attribution/word/sound byte explains it all”.That description does not seem to me to be all that simple.
Jesus is God and He is composed of flesh and blood.Anything that is composed of parts requires an explanation for how those parts came together. Anything composed of matter is composed of parts and requires an explanation for how its parts came together. If you were to get down on the most basic element or particle to something that does not need an explanation because it just by necessity then you are close to the concept of divine simplicity. God is not composed of parts that require an explanation for how those parts came together. He is necessarily existing being and thus his essence requires no explanation. It just is. He is existence itself. His essence is pure Spirit.
Dr Edward Feser has an interesting article on this subject on his blog.
The Church teaches that Jesus gained nothing and lost nothing of his divine nature when he took on his human nature. IOW, it didn’t change him into anything other than who he already was.Jesus is God and He is composed of flesh and blood.
The complexity comes from the need to build a road from here to There, to put the Infinite in a human context.That description does not seem to me to be all that simple.
I don’t see why everything is simple. For example, writing a computer program to play games is not simple. There is a lot of rewriting and error proofing that is required.The complexity comes from the need to build a road from here to There, to put the Infinite in a human context.
Nothing is simple, and Everything is also simple.
It also means that He is “compatible” with everything, as He must be; compatibility increases with simplicity. God is available for everyone to “understand”. All you need is humility.What does “absolutely simple” mean in the context of God’s attributes?