My short answer is that spiritual health is more important than physical health because while physical well-being is temporal, spiritual well-being is eternal. That being said, I wish I didn’t have such a splitting headache right now. (lol)
There is an obligation to God to take care of the vessel that He placed our souls in, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter whether we are in good health or poor when we are called home to Him. We will eventually, at the final judgement get our glorified bodies back.
As to the point of being “religious”–I don’t know how to respond to that, really. I am not by nature evangelical about my faith. I will respond to inquiries to the best of my knowledge when asked about what I believe. If the the question is aimed at what “level” is my faith practiced, then I would respond that I do what I can. I go to mass 5-7 days a week and receive the Eucharist, I try to get to confession at least once per month, and I have been spending a lot more time lately in deep meditation about each day’s scripture readings.
Since I started the above practices in earnest earlier this year, my physical health (I think) has actually improved. My back problems have significantly lessened, and I am starting to take more responsibility for my diet and exercise–my spiritual and physical needs have seemed to “meld” together. Does this make any sense?