What is quietism and why is it a problem?

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I have seen references to quietism several times in articles on prayer and spirituality, and I am not sure what it is referring to. Evidently it is a spiritual attitude that borders on heresy. I have seen the reference as a warning on going overboard on attitudes such as “Let go, let God.” Also in an article on centering prayer. When was this quietist attitude influential? Who started it? How do we avoid it?
Quiteism: Was the heresy that taught that the path to God was to abandon the use of ALL human faculties. All external acts, including the celebration of the sacraments. They were seen us unnecessary to holiness. What WAS necessary was the quieting of ALL human facilities.

A Spaniard by the name of Michael de Molinos was the creator of this movement. He taught that the interior powers of mind, will, imagination, and memory were to be entirely emptied and those who wanted to approach God were to remain almost LIFELESS within their bodies.

He denied the importance of good works. (these would require human facilities).

My statements came from the book, “Dissent from The Creed,” a very good book to get. Talks about all the heresies from the beginning to today.

I think your quote: “Let Go and Let God”… means something completely different. It means to trust in God… and to seek to do His will. Let God work WITH you.

And the only way for this to happen is by cooperating with His grace… which would require the human facilities.

I hope this helps.
Wow, thanks Rattlesnake!

I never new what that meant before, but I encountered oblique references to it in other contexts.

This helps a lot.
When was this quietist attitude influential? Who started it? How do we avoid it?
There is a nice article in the Catholic Encyclopedia which deals with your questions, and the roots of quietism in Ancient Greece and India, and its appearance in the early Church, in Medieval times, and probably its apogee with Molinos in 17th century Spain [as cited by Rattlesnake], among other times.


There’s a lot of good article in that old 1909? edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia. Good for browsing on rainy days and long nights. 👍
learn something every day. can any body out there give an example of a sect today that preaches this kind of attitude?
I have seen references to quietism several times in articles on prayer and spirituality, and I am not sure what it is referring to. Evidently it is a spiritual attitude that borders on heresy. I have seen the reference as a warning on going overboard on attitudes such as “Let go, let God.” Also in an article on centering prayer. When was this quietist attitude influential? Who started it? How do we avoid it?
It sometimes happens that Christians experience a Vision with a capital V that can lead to a quietist practice but this is a normal episode of the Christian Way that passes.

The best expression of that Vision I know of is by Dante -


In short,Quietism is a failing that only contemplatives can fall into but as genuine meditation and reflection, it is a wonderful way to shut out the modern world which demands our constant attension.
learn something every day. can any body out there give an example of a sect today that preaches this kind of attitude?
I’m not an expert, but I would guess that it would be most commonly found today in Christians who are practicing various forms of oriental/eastern meditation.
learn something every day. can any body out there give an example of a sect today that preaches this kind of attitude?
I learned about Quietism prior to participating in Charismatic Renewal prayer groups. Lately after discussion about CR in other threads, I come to believe that the “private prayer language” (or prayer tongue) defined by some charismatics, sounds alot like
Quietism. In this prayer tongue, there’s no need to understand what the prayer means, since the Holy Spirit intercedes and it is His prayer so only God understands. Therefore, the human will is abandoned, and God’s will takes over.
What Eucharistic Contemplation Implies
Pontifical Household Preacher Begins Advent Meditations

VATICAN CITY, DEC. 3, 2004 (Zenit.org).- Far from verging on quietism, Eucharistic contemplation enables the grace received in the sacraments “to assimilate the thoughts and feelings of Christ,” says the Pontifical Household preacher.

In response to John Paul II’s convocation of the Year of the Eucharist, and reflecting on the Eucharist hymn “Adoro Te Devote,” Father Raniero Cantalamessa proposed in his first sermon of Advent to the Pope and the Roman Curia a reflection on the depth of contemplation of the Blessed Sacrament.

Already in the first stanza of the hymn “Adoro te devote, latens Deitas” – O Godhead hid, devoutly I adore Thee" – “the theological truth evoked refers
to the manner of the presence of Christ in the Eucharistic species,” the Capuchin priest said. “It means: You are hidden, but you truly are,” and “it
also means: You really are, but hidden.”

“To the affirmation of the real presence, even if hidden, of Christ in the bread and wine, the one praying responds, melting literally in devout
adoration and bringing with him in the same movement, the innumerable souls that for more than half a millennium have prayed with these words,” he said. He delivered his sermon in the Mater Redemptoris chapel of the Apostolic Palace.

“Adoro,” the “word with which the hymn opens is on its own a profession of faith in the identity between the Eucharistic body and the historical body of Christ,” Father Cantalamessa said.

Thanks to this “identity, in fact, and to the hypostatic union in Christ between his humanity and divinity, … we can be in adoration before the
consecrated Host without committing the sin of idolatry,” he noted.

“But, in what exactly does adoration consist of and how is it manifested?” Father Cantalamessa asked.

It “may be prepared by long reflection, but it ends with an intuition,” he said. It “is like a flash of light in the night,” “the light of reality”; it
“is the perception of the grandeur, majesty and beauty of God, together with his goodness and presence which takes one’s breath away. It is a sort of sinking in the shoreless and fathomless ocean of God’s majesty.”

“An expression of adoration, more effective than any word, is silence,” the papal preacher added.

In the hymn, “the meaning of adoration is reinforced … by that of devotion – ‘adoro te devote’” – a term which in the Middle Ages did not signify “exterior practices but the profound dispositions of the heart.” For St. Thomas
Aquinas “it consists of the readiness and disposition of the will to offer itself to God which is expressed in a service without reservations and full of fervor,” in a word, “total and loving readiness to do the will of God,” Father Cantalamessa said.

“Contemplating you, everything fails,” the hymn continues. In addition to theological reasons, the facts and testimonies express the importance of
Eucharistic contemplation: “innumerable souls attained holiness by practicing it and the decisive contribution it has given to the mystical experience is demonstrated,” recalled the papal preacher.

“In fact, contemplation is altogether other than indulging in quietism,” he stressed. Because, “remaining long and with faith, not necessarily with
sensible fervor, before the Most Holy Sacrament, we assimilate the thoughts and feelings of Christ, not in a discursive but in an intuitive way.”

The one contemplated is “Christ, really present in the Host,” but it is not “a static and inert presence,” rather, it indicates “the whole mystery of Christ, the person and his work,” the preacher emphasized.
*Cont’d *
Contemplation, therefore, “is a listening silently to the Gospel again or to a phrase in the presence of the author himself of the Gospel who gives to
the word a particular force and immediacy.”

“To engage in Eucharistic contemplation means then, concretely, to establish a heart to heart contact with Jesus really present in the Host and, through
him, to be raised to the Father in the Holy Spirit”; it is “to look at one who is looking at me,” he said.

Just as “in meditation the search for truth prevails, in contemplation,” instead, it is the “enjoyment of Truth.”

This phase of contemplation is described in the “Adoro Te Devote” when it states: “Te contemplans totum deficit,” in contemplating the Lord “everything fails.” “What fails?” the preacher asked. “Not only the external world, people, things, but also the internal world of thoughts, images, worries.”

“It occurs as in the process of photosynthesis of plants. In the spring, green leaves appear on the branches; they absorb from the atmosphere certain
elements that, under the action of solar light, are ‘fixed’ and transformed into the plant’s nutriment,” Father Cantalamessa said.

“We must be like those green leaves!” the preacher suggested to the Pope and his aides. “They are a symbol of Eucharistic souls that, contemplating the
‘sun of justice,’ who is Christ, are ‘fixed’ to the nutriment, which is the Holy Spirit himself, for the benefit of the whole great tree that is the
Ray Marshall:
I’m not an expert, but I would guess that it would be most commonly found today in Christians who are practicing various forms of oriental/eastern meditation.
I would agree. When I read the original post, I immediately flashed back (no drugs involved 😃 ) to a brief study I made of Tibetan Buddhism. The “goal” is to lose your self or ego and become part of nothingness, but it can’t really be a goal because that would involve “you” doing something… Very existential and completely incompatible with Christianity.

My goals are quite different now.


PS Hey, all you Tibetan Buddhists on this forum;) …I don’t claim to be an expert.
This is a very interesting thread. I particularily enjoyed the contrast between RattleSnakes description of Quietism and Mamamulls posts on Eucharistic contemplation.
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