maybe think of heart instead of mind. Love has reasons for being and serving that mind can’t find reason for. imho
Ah, but love…
like everything else…is relative. So just as up can only be understood in relation to down, and hot can only be understood in relation to cold, and hard can only be understood in relation to soft…so too can love only be understood in relation to hate. You can’t have reason for one, without having an equal reason for the other.
And so it may be with the conscious mind, that it only understands the concept of "
I" in relation to that which is “
Not I”. The two things…the “
I” and the “
Not I” must be inseparable. You can’t have one without the other. They are in essence, two aspects of one and the same thing, just as hot and cold are but two aspects of the same thing.
And so it’s a misnomer to speak of the conscious mind…be it my mind or God’s…as being the creator of everything. For without the existence of the “
created”, the concept of the “
creator” would have no meaning. In the end, everything is relative. This holds true for hot and cold, for up and down, and for the creator and the created. One cannot exist without the other. The existence of the created therefore, is just as necessary as the existence of the creator.
But alas, this does little to answer the question of whether the external world is real or not. Fortunately however, the external world gives us clues, and the clues suggest that the external world isn’t real. Those clues are simple, all around us, and easily overlooked…the external world simply doesn’t act as if it’s real.