What is retirement like for a priest?

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As the thread suggests, I’m curious what life is like for a priest after they retire. Do they tend to live in retirement communities for priests? Do they stay at their old rectories? Do they travel, go to live with their relatives? Do they still counsel lay people, do they occasionally fill in for active priests at masses? etc, etc.
In this Archdiocese, they work until 75.
Some go to a religious retirement community, and play golf with their friends. 😃
More often, they spend time with family and sub for priests who need a vacation, are ill, or just have to be out of town on any given weekend.
The last retired priest that subbed here was one of those priests who say Mass on cruise ships. He said it was a fun and easy way to see the sights.
Diocesan priests provide for their own retirement.
You’re likely gong to see many other answers, all different, depending on the type of priest, the Order involved, and the area of the world.
Should be an interesting thread to follow.
We all know those priests ho are like energizer bunnies. Going on Mission trips, serving on big committees, writing, teaching…writing helpful and beautiful posts on CAF…😉
And retirement at 75 isn’t a guarantee. Our Archbiship turned 75 months ago, he’s still waiting on the Vatican to approve his retirement. There’s a priest in his 80’s still active and un-retired working in a nearby city. I think a lot of it depends more on health than anything else.
I don’t know of a lot of priest who actually get to “retire.” Most keep going in some way until they can go no more. Read the poem;
“The old priest Peter Gilligan.”
You will love it. Peace.
As the thread suggests, I’m curious what life is like for a priest after they retire. Do they tend to live in retirement communities for priests? Do they stay at their old rectories? Do they travel, go to live with their relatives? Do they still counsel lay people, do they occasionally fill in for active priests at masses? etc, etc.
The answer is yes to all of those questions, but I might replace “occasionally” with “frequently.”😃
As the thread suggests, I’m curious what life is like for a priest after they retire. Do they tend to live in retirement communities for priests? Do they stay at their old rectories? Do they travel, go to live with their relatives? Do they still counsel lay people, do they occasionally fill in for active priests at masses? etc, etc.
All care - no responsibility! Many live in rectories but not normally where they were previously pastor as this tends to make life awkward for the “new guy”. Some engage in varying “personal projects” such as spiritual direction, leading retreats, pilgrimages or workshops, while most provide supply work, filling in for active priests who are away, sick or otherwise unable to do their usual mas(es). A few have their own houses where the live. Those who are no longer as active live in retirement homes or rest homes (usually diocesan owned or owned by a religious order).
The ones I have met here in Ireland, retired already or soon, have their own houses. One I had lunch with at a monastery guest house had a large house, big garden and kept bees.

They are healthy.

The kind priest who was nearby when I came here had a severe stroke and is in a care home now, owned by Sisters.

As varied as the priests are…
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