Scientology is considered by many Christians to have cult like tendencies. Their beliefs are as following. Humans are immortal spiritual beings whose experience extends beyond a single lifetime (reincarnation), and whose capabilities are unlimited, though presently imprisoned by matter, energy, space, and time (MEST). Salvation is the recovery of spiritual freedom, ability, independence and serenity, including freedom from the endless cycle of birth and death (reincarnation), and full awareness and ability independent of the body, i.e., being “able to control matter, energy, space, and time.” These god-like powers are achieved through auditing, a process whereby “engrams,” (the mental recordings of past moments of pain and unconsciousness), and other barriers to such states are removed, abilities are regained, and greater awareness achieved. Auditing can last for years and may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is definitely not in line with Christian beliefs. By the way, in their divorce there was quite a bit of dissention between Tom Cruise (Scientologist) and Nicole Kiddman (Catholic) because she did not want their children to be raised as Scientologists. She wanted them to be raised as Catholics instead.