What is the age of men's souls in heaven?

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What is the apperance of the souls in heaven?

Like if a 10 yr old child just died, is his soul in heaven the same as that of a 10 yr old child?

If that would be the case, then most souls in heaven are very old since a lot died at the age from 60-100 bracket

OR all souls have the same appearance of a 33 year old human?

Did any theologian spoke about this too?
Dear friend

Unless we have been to heaven and seen with our spirit, we can honestly say that we do not know. Some theologians have speculated that all souls and after the resurrection of the dead at the end of time, will possess a glorified spirit and body of the same age of Christ Jesus when He died, 33 years old.

We don’t know though. As God is eternal and not subject to time, age is not relevant, age is only relevant to humans living within it.

In my own poor and amateur way, I have speculated that we will possess a timeless spirit, living in eternity with God, this is hard to perceive in the finite mind, however the glory of the resurrected spirit and body will reflect the life led, the repentance, the faith and love of God and others and the rewards justly gained for good works, by God’s Mercy. Age is not necessarily relevant in the eternal.

The apostles did not recognise Jesus at all in His glorified resurrected state. This means two things, He fully took on broken humanity and ‘aged’ within it, but once resurrected He posessed humanity in it’s eternal state and thus was unrecogniseable to them, possibly because they were still living within broken humanity and also because He was truly eternal in His humanity they could not ‘see’ who He was, until He granted them the grace to recognise Him.

Interesting question though and I hope and pray we all find out when we go to heaven, by God’s Mercy.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

It’s funny you posted this, I was just considering this in adoration this weekend…

My first impulse was to assume that because our spiritual bodies are not under the same time/physical constraints as on earth, that we are seen by people who recognize us- the way they would recognize us. That is, I would recognize my recently departed grandfather as I remember him- *as an elderly man. *My father and my grandmother would see him as a younger grown man. And my grandfather’s parents would see him as a child or as a young man…

But as I started to consider the philosophy of the Communion of Saints, I would like to believe that I would be recognized *INSTANTLY *by everyone who is in or bound for Heaven. Our age and physical representation matter not to our souls. True, we are going to be reunited with our perfect bodies when Christ comes again, but I think that even at that time- our bodies will not hold the imperfection of aging.

In other words we will be all ages- at the same time. People will recognize us by US our SOUL, not our body.


so saints’ soul are more glorified right?
We are all saints (as in Communion of Saints). But if you mean beatified Saints- then yes, they experience a “fuller” fullness of the Beatific Vision in Heaven.

Imagine a full 8 oz glass of water, and a full thimble of water. They are both full right? But the 8oz glass has a “more full” fullness of water than the thimble.
What is the apperance of the souls in heaven?

Like if a 10 yr old child just died, is his soul in heaven the same as that of a 10 yr old child?

If that would be the case, then most souls in heaven are very old since a lot died at the age from 60-100 bracket

OR all souls have the same appearance of a 33 year old human?

Did any theologian spoke about this too?
Q. What is your soul ?
A. My soul is an immortal spirit… (The Penny Catechism)

Spirits don’t have bodily appearances - because they are spirits, not bodies. It’s like asking, “What colour is the wind ?”, or “How long is the smell of a rose” ? - it’s not the kind of question that can be asked about that sort of thing.

Which is why asking questions about the appearance, hair-colour, blood type, etc., of angels would be no good either - a spirit, human or angel, is not the kind of being about which such questions can be asked, because one is trying to think of spirits as though they were bodies - and spirits are completely different from bodies: as different as a kitten is from a triangle: they have nothing in common except their creation by God.

Hope that helps ##
Unless we have been to heaven and seen with our spirit, we can honestly say that we do not know. **Some theologians ** have speculated that all souls and after the resurrection of the dead at the end of time, will possess a glorified spirit and body of the same age of Christ Jesus when He died, 33 years old.
St. Thomas Aquinas, for one. He also posited this age as being the prime of life, where a person reaches their full potential of emotional and physical vigor.
St. Thomas Aquinas, for one. He also posited this age as being the prime of life, where a person reaches their full potential of emotional and physical vigor.
Dear friend

St Thomas Aquinas can only have speculated this, he was not taken up to heaven prior to his death to know this and then come back and definitively tell us, so he cannot say, he can speculate and that is it.

St Thomas Aquinas theorised, he did not state definitively.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

St Thomas Aquinas can only have speculated this, he was not taken up to heaven prior to his death to know this and then come back and definitively tell us, so he cannot say, he can speculate and that is it.

St Thomas Aquinas theorised, he did not state definitively.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Relax :cool: . I don’t believe I implied he did anything more than offer this as a theory.
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