What is the difference between compassion and pity?

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“Pity” is an emotional response.
“Compassion” is the will to help if one can.

You see a wet, bedraggled, hungry cat in your front yard.
“Pity” says, “Aww, the poor kitty. It’s such a shame nobody’s taking you in.” If someone suggests that “pity” take the cat in, the answer is, “Oh, but it’ll track all over my clean carpet. And it might have fleas. And it’ll smell!”

“Compassion” sets out some canned tuna for the cat, and puts a wooden box next to the wall of the house so the cat has some shelter from the rain. “Compassion” then checks round the neighbourhood in case somebody owns the cat. If nobody does, then “Compassion” tries to catch the cat and take it to an animal shelter.

That’s the difference. “Pity” is a feeling. “Compassion” will help if it can.
The meaning of ‘Compassion’ - to suffer with would seem to indicate , you would try to see yourself in the place of the suffering one .and thus give dignity to their suffering ,.where as pity seem more like a bit of looking down at the person or situation…l
We ,as humans , whom The Lord have made to be 'One ’ do not seem to like pity…we like compassion and our Lord is …

There is a wonderful ewtn series and book and website ( www.healingtheculture.org) that bring out the theme of suffering and how it makes us more compassionte
I would say the difference is internal, not external.

In pity, you respond out of a sense of objective justice.
In compassion, you respond due to an internal, personal love for the affected.

Pity leads to temporary help (Eg. Here’s 5 dollars, go buy yourself some food you poor man)

Compassion is permanent in that it is a lasting fruit of the Holy Spirit leading us to love our neighbour at all times and to love whole heartedly…so much so that it is a part of our lives (e.g Mother Theresa). In my own example…one of my family members always gets upset at the littlest things…If I am moved to pity, I succumb to occasional feelings of love for this person…if I am moved to compassion, I make loving this person a part of my life.
I hope I’m making sense. God bless.
Pity is used with regards to another persons bad misfortune it’s like empathy for the victim. It is limited in this way. Compassion is an act of love. We can have compassion for criminals, but do we pity them? Compassion demands action, pity only requires acknowledgement of the sad truth.

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