Maybe this will help…
The following is from A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, edited by Dom Bernard Orchard M.A. and others, published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1953, page 1125 on Ephesians 6:14-17:14-17 The Divine Panoply—The seven weapons, defensive and offensive, are described by metaphors drawn from both the armour of the Roman soldier on active service and from the description of the weapons borne by the divine Warrior (Messias) in Is 59:14, 17 (cf. Is 11:5; 52:7; Wis 5:17-20). The chief pieces of the Christian’s armour are: breast-plate, shield, helmet, and sword. 14b, ’ The breast-plate of justice ’ undoubtedly refers to sancifying grace guarding the virtues, just as the soldier’s breast-plate guarded the heart. In 1 Thess 5:8 the breast-plate is faith and charity. 15. ’ Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace ’ seems to have the sense: zealous to carry with speed the glad tidings which effect peace, cf. Is 52:7-9; Rom 1:15. 16. ’ The shield of faith ’ refers to the door-like shield rounded to the shape of the body. The Christian’s protection and inspiration is in the principles of faith, in which the flaming missiles of the most wicked one are put out. 17a. ’ The helmet of salvation '. The helmet guards the head and inspires confidence amid danger. According to 1 Thess 5:8 (cf. Is 59:17) it is the hope of salvation. 17b. ’ The sword of the spirit '. The sword was a double-edged weapon. The spiritual sword is provided by the Holy Spirit and is endowed with his power. It is the word of God, not specifically the Gospel (Greek: logos), but every message from God (Greek: rema Theou). Since, however, the divine utterances have culminated in the Gospel message, we may in fact regard the sword as the Gospel teaching, cf. Heb 4:12 f.