:bigyikes: Before you all feel the need to soak your computers in lye soap, just for contact with this stuff…The Archdiocese of New Orleans and several others (Richmond, Rockford, Peoria, Baltimore) had it for less than a year when it first came out, and
have forbidden its use. (Admittedly, they won’t be teaching religion classes in New Orleans any time soon. And they all probably should have actually looked at the materials before spending money on them.)
So, I did a search at Harcourt’s religion site using the title, the author and the ISBN (got that from Amazon used books). It appears this series was not a money-maker for Harcourt,
as it is no longer in their catalog.As they released it over five years ago, that is a very good sign.
I have an email in to their religion department, and will let you know what I find. But so far, unless a parish has already invested in these “educational materials” or somebody picks them up used (and hopefully then pitches them, or burns them- even better), they don’t seem to be in Harcourt’s stable any more.
Now- all of you, run and fetch the Clorox Spray!:bigyikes: