Thank you for all of the responses. I am entertaining guests this week, so I have a limited amount of time to respond. I will try to reply to as many responses as I can.
In short, axioms are concepts used to construct logical systems. Thus, any attempt to prove them by using their own system will result in circularity.
True, but all this recognizes is that any attempt to justify a system within that system will be circular. In informal logic, begging the question in this way is actually a fallacy. The question is: what is it that justifies an axiom?
You, nor anyone can think without them.
If effect, an axiom is “the beginning”. How can you construct a thought without beginning?
Again, this is true, but how does it provide a justification for axioms? First, not all axioms are necessary to construct a rational thought. There are many mathematical axioms that fit this description. Second, is it really a justification to say that without certain axioms (such as those that form the basis of the laws of logic) we couldn’t construct a thought? Perhaps our thoughts are just nonsense, even though we believe otherwise. Perhaps all of this typing back and forth on the philosophy forum is more of the same. This is the skeptic’s challenge.
in the simplest form, “necessity.”
we need a starting place to begin a logical exploration of the world.
What makes that necessary though? If I accept all of the laws of logic except modus ponens, surely there are some things I can know. If I accept all laws of thought but reject induction in the vein of Hume, there are still things I can know. What type of “necessity” suffices for a proposition to qualify as an axiom?
An axiom is a self-evident truth.
I know the dictionary definition of “axiom.” What I want to know is what makes those propositions “self-evident.” I want the justification that demonstrates it is self-evident. Not even the laws of logic are self-justifying, as Oreo alluded to above.
So since you cannot prove an axiom, does that mean it’s held on faith? And in that case by extension, wouldn’t all of our knowledge be held from faith?
That is a very good question. It seems to be that way. If logical laws, induction, the reliability of the senses, etc. are not justifiable, then it appears they are accepted on faith.
Initially it is on faith - since there is no way of proving it - but if it turns out to be constantly successful it is granted the status of a “necessary truth”. At least that is my interpretation until a better solution is suggested…
Maybe. I think the more interesting question is what does “constantly successful” mean. And even more to the point: when do we decide that a proposition has been successful enough to qualify as an axiom?
So the use of axioms is completely dependent of our knowledge of experience. Axioms are shown to be true through our successful applications.
You mean they have been “successful.” There is nothing that ensures or even indicates their future success. That is the problem of induction – assuming that our senses are reliable in the first place.
A lot of people, including some (but certainly not all) mathematicians, will say exactly that, but I consider it a poor and ultimately false description. There is nothing self-evident about many axioms.
I agree.
Furthermore, we must ask the question, is foundationalism accurate? In my opinion, as well as that of many others, it is not accurate at all.
Well, there is always the coherence theory of knowledge if you don’t like foundationalism. I didn’t find either of them very satisfying explanations.
In geometry an axiom is a useful geometric idea which can not be derived from other axioms. If a proposition can be derived from known axioms I think it is called a postulant, and if a deductive proof can be found for the postulant, then it becomes a theorem.
Theorems are quite useful…
You mean theorems have been quite useful in the past assuming that our senses are reliable.
I don’t want to get too sidetracked here. What I am really looking for is when and for what reason a proposition gets the status of an “axiom.”