This isn’t really about a penance, but it was pretty penitential to me.
Once when I was home during holidays from college, I went to confession with my mother and my sister. The priest hearing confessions was an older fellow and possibly hard of hearing. Anyway, his voice volume tended to fall to the point you could barely hear him, and then rise to very loud.
Anyway, my confession was sort of routine, and I was a little short of sins, so I confessed that I had been dating a particular girl for really too long and that I was afraid she was getting rather attached to me, and I guess I was taking a risk of leading her on.
The priest mumbled something I didn’t really hear, and then his voice rose to a tremendous volume and he asked “DO YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION OF MARRYING THIS GIRL”.
“No” I mumbled, a red flush beginning to crawl up my neck to my face. “Well, then” he said in a quiet voice “It’s better that you date others and encourage her to do the same.”
I don’t remember my formal penance, but whatever it was, it was nothing compared to the “penance” of walking out of the confessional. And horror of horrors! My mother and my sister were the next two in line!
Later, I asked my sister if she could hear what the priest said when his voice rose while I was in there. She gave me a knowing and somewhat disapproving look and nodded.
Now THAT’S a penance!