What is the objective and subjective truth?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bahman
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What is the objective truth? We are consciousness.
What is the subjective truth? The rest.
You provide no proofs for your assertions. Again, Bahaman. You can’t just make a statement, you need to provide reasoning for it.

Objective truths are those which are not open for interpretation:

The universe exists. We know this because we are inhabiting it.
I exist. I know this because I’m capable of writing this, and experiencing things.
1+1 = 2. I know this because mathematics has proven it to the greatest extent they are able, and because the observable results of this reality (1+2 = 3, for example) are constant and equally provable based on the same underlying principle.)

These realities are not subject to change, they are absolute.

Subjective truths are those which are based on the interpretation or perception of the person experiencing something. For example, how beautiful something is is a subjective truth. I may find a painting beautiful, while you simultaneously find it repulsive. Subjective truths do not interfere with or modify objective truths. The subjective fact that I find the painting beautiful or that you find it repulsive does change not the objective fact that the painting was painted by someone or something.

Another example of subjective vs objective is how we experience temperature. I may find a given temperature to be cold enough for a jacket, whereas you might find it warm enough to be out in a t-shirt. Neither of these positions change the objective fact that it is 68 degrees outside.

Subjective and Objective truths are two wholly different things, and are derived from completely different places. Objective truths are grounded in reality and its laws. Subjective truths are based on how we experience those laws on a personal level. Where we start to run into problems is when we start confusing whether something is an objective truth or a subjective truth. This is one of our cultures greatest shortcomings, we refuse to acknowledge objective truths for what they are, and try to treat everything as subjective. (This is also known as relativism)
Where we start to run into problems is when we start confusing whether something is an objective truth or a subjective truth. This is one of our cultures greatest shortcomings, we refuse to acknowledge objective truths for what they are, and try to treat everything as subjective. (This is also known as relativism)
Best summarized in the most popular mantra of the 60s: “Do your own thing.”

Another famous mantra: “Who am I to judge?”

Another: “Different strokes for different folks.”

Etc., etc. 😉

This obsession with subjective and relativist morality has doomed the modern world.

Fairly soon polygamy, incest, and wedding one’s dog will be routine in all 50 states.

Welcome to Loonytunes.
I find it extremely telling that Bahman must come to a Catholic discussion forum to share his folly and completely fallacious brand of nonsense. Our Savior must be working hard on this one! With over 3,000 posts, you’d think a seed or two was planted by now. 👍
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