Thanks for the Info. Missing Mass is Only a Sin if Deliberatelly Chosen Not To attend, especially repeatedly.It is a network that was started by the former employee of Father Corapi. I think it is suppose to be similar to Catholic Answers in its format, except one can post picture, get recipes, become friends.Almost a Facebook type social network.
I was concerned as one person asked if it was a sin to miss mass on Sunday in the Q&A Forum.The moderator, who is also the owner, more or less stated ,no not always, use your judgment. What kind of answer is that for a Catholic Network to give? Many people jumped on that one and she later elaborated and said that was not exactly what she meant to say.
This was also the person who put Fr .Corapi’s rosary, blessed by the late Blessed John Paul II ,up for bid on E Bay . Starting bid was $5000.00,there were no takers.
From what I can see there are not many people registered on the network…