Not according to Catholicism. Protestants assert that God is ABLE to perform evil acts, but he does not DO them. Catholicism says that God is UNABLE to perform evil acts. Big difference.
When someone does something “good” to you, then it does not matter WHY he does it. Just look at dolphins, when they push a drowning person to the surface of the water. They act out of sheer instinct, but the ACTION of helping is there - and it is GOOD for the drowning person. The intent only matters, when someone performs a SEEMINGLY “evil” act.
Nope, I will not “consider” it. The concept of “thought-crime” is abhorrent to me, whoever says it. There is no difference between Jesus and Big Brother in this respect.
Not for me. When God commits and / or orders genocide it is exactly as abhorrent when Hitler ordered the extermination of the Jews, or gypsies, or other assorted “lowlife” beings. The goddess of justice (Justitia) is depicted with a blindfold. Do you know why?
If only you guys would learn how incorrect you are! I am getting tired of explaining it.
I asked it before, but never got an answer. Just WHAT is this “grace”? How do you know if you have this “grace”?
I think the contention here is a difference between your conception of what God is and the Catholic conception of what God is. What you perceive as the Catholic belief that God cannot perform evil is, I think, a non sequitur. It’s not that there is an
act that God cannot perform because it is evil. Evil, from a Catholic POV, is not evil by some objective fact outside of God. God is the creator of the universe and it’s laws - that makes Him the
arbiter of good and evil. Good is what is in accord with God, evil is what is not in accord with God. Therefore, if God does something, it cannot be evil because He is the judge of good and evil, and as the literal creator and owner of the universe He can do whatever He wills. If we compare Him to a human being we see things we don’t understand, but if we define Him as God then He is goodness itself. Also, from the Christian perspective, a “blindfolded God” is no God at all. That limits Divinity.
Jesus does not equal “Big Brother” because He said that some willful thoughts are sinful. Governments and human institutions do not see and discern the heart of man. God, as conceived by Catholics, does - because he made us. Body, soul, and mind. And for that fact we literally belong to Him. He’s not a human who owns us like a brutal slave owner, He just objectively has authority over everything by His very nature.
“What is grace” is kind of a huge topic. For the Catholic understanding of it a Google search will bring a lot of answers. The topics of “Actual Grace” and “Sanctifying Grace” seem like they’d be appropriate, I definitely recommend looking into them and the Catholic conception of Grace - Catholic Encyclopedia is a good source, though the articles are pretty bulky.
I do not doubt your sincere desire to understand the Catholic view on this, but when you say “If only you guys would learn how incorrect you are!” I am not sure you are communicating in charity. You’re on a Catholic forum, after all. Even if every orthodox Catholic on here is wrong in 100% of their beliefs, it seems like these sorts of statements aren’t conducive towards a healthy discussion of beliefs. I thought Rohzek’s human/robot comparison was a fair one, even if you don’t agree with it, but instead of addressing the points therein you simply said that it was incorrect and that you were exasperated from explaining why.