We have a fellow in our Church that was once a priest. He now volunteers for many lay positions and is very active in the Church, but he no longer practices as a priest. It is my understanding that once a man is ordained, only the Pope can recend that ordination and if that has never happened, they will remain ordained forever. However, the local Bishop may not agree with them practicing as religious, since they have violated one or more of their vows. However, having said that, I am sure glad that we have this guy around. Ya know, our Priests are very busy and it is nice to have an extra hand around that really understands the Church. He is a big asset. I personally think that any man that would give his life for that vocation is pretty special. If later in life they have decided that they are called to be somewhere else, I can’t help but be thankful for the years of service that they have provided and still provide as trained theologians.
Just my 2 cents,