This is one of those times where I made the title what it is b/c (aside from asking about Positivism) I wasn’t sure how what to title the thread.
When it comes to appealling to how everything can be explained by science,comes to materialism and there is no place for metaphysics I have a feeling that one of the pillars of that sort of mentality comes from Positivism.
I’ve heard of phrases like legal positivism,historical positivism,logical positivism and scientific positivism. From what I’ve gather the late 18th century French thinker Auguste Comte who is also in a way considered the “inventor” of sociology made it. It is “positivism” not b/c it’s about Pharrel style happiness but b/c it “posits”/established the premise that human interactions can be observed,evaluated and guaged at in a scientific like manner (hence why he’s said to be like the “inventor” of sociology).^1
This diffused into the physical and natural sciences and^2 was kind a major ideological "hype-man"^3 for what Western intellectual thought used to justify movements and actions being done throughout the Industrial revolution. It’s said to have dissolved after the Vienna Circle’s goal were not panning out in the face of Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle, the particle-wave duality of photons and Kurt Godel’s incompleteness theorem
However imo,it continued as the backdrop ethos for Analytic school philosophy which formed at the turn of the last century,became popular in English speaking countries and monopolizes the philosophy of science which ergo (in a round-about way) I’m conjecturing means it’s been a underlying influence on famous publicized contemporary atheists like Sam Harris,Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins and other commentators who pettily seem to make it a duty to want to dismiss religion^4 and be the “top motto” in epistemic communities like within the intellectual culture of scientists.
But you know what I think this ultimately boils down to?. Common ppl not knowing about the Non-overlapping magisteria plus what is and what is the meaning of epistemology–the philosophy of knowledge. A pivotal ground that has to be set down in the current “information age”,imo.
^1Someone else who’s important to factor in who lived around the same time?. .G.W.F. Hegel and style of epistemology he made . I mention Hegel b/c from what I understand from this nifty video youtube.com/watch?v=w6V_YKn8i9k
Hegel’s idea of “history ending” after a series of “progress” into having a culture’s consciousness become entirely rational is something which seems to resonate with not uncommmonly with ppl who are atheistic on the grounds on scientific materialism
^2 I would not be surprised
^3 A hip-hop phrase :a back-up singer or rapper who makes interjections meant to excite a response. Think the Kanye West to JayZ or the Lil’Jon to whoever he’s starring with
^4 -~- sigh when will ppl learn?,just b/c you think to cold-shoulder metaphysics doesn’t mean that getting rid of spirituality will be as or anymore easy. **NEVER ** think that b/c the modus operandum is emptiness or non-presence that there is no such thing as metaphysics. Something I’ve noticed in Eastern spirituality.
When it comes to appealling to how everything can be explained by science,comes to materialism and there is no place for metaphysics I have a feeling that one of the pillars of that sort of mentality comes from Positivism.
I’ve heard of phrases like legal positivism,historical positivism,logical positivism and scientific positivism. From what I’ve gather the late 18th century French thinker Auguste Comte who is also in a way considered the “inventor” of sociology made it. It is “positivism” not b/c it’s about Pharrel style happiness but b/c it “posits”/established the premise that human interactions can be observed,evaluated and guaged at in a scientific like manner (hence why he’s said to be like the “inventor” of sociology).^1
This diffused into the physical and natural sciences and^2 was kind a major ideological "hype-man"^3 for what Western intellectual thought used to justify movements and actions being done throughout the Industrial revolution. It’s said to have dissolved after the Vienna Circle’s goal were not panning out in the face of Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle, the particle-wave duality of photons and Kurt Godel’s incompleteness theorem
However imo,it continued as the backdrop ethos for Analytic school philosophy which formed at the turn of the last century,became popular in English speaking countries and monopolizes the philosophy of science which ergo (in a round-about way) I’m conjecturing means it’s been a underlying influence on famous publicized contemporary atheists like Sam Harris,Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins and other commentators who pettily seem to make it a duty to want to dismiss religion^4 and be the “top motto” in epistemic communities like within the intellectual culture of scientists.
But you know what I think this ultimately boils down to?. Common ppl not knowing about the Non-overlapping magisteria plus what is and what is the meaning of epistemology–the philosophy of knowledge. A pivotal ground that has to be set down in the current “information age”,imo.
^1Someone else who’s important to factor in who lived around the same time?. .G.W.F. Hegel and style of epistemology he made . I mention Hegel b/c from what I understand from this nifty video youtube.com/watch?v=w6V_YKn8i9k
Hegel’s idea of “history ending” after a series of “progress” into having a culture’s consciousness become entirely rational is something which seems to resonate with not uncommmonly with ppl who are atheistic on the grounds on scientific materialism
^2 I would not be surprised
^3 A hip-hop phrase :a back-up singer or rapper who makes interjections meant to excite a response. Think the Kanye West to JayZ or the Lil’Jon to whoever he’s starring with
^4 -~- sigh when will ppl learn?,just b/c you think to cold-shoulder metaphysics doesn’t mean that getting rid of spirituality will be as or anymore easy. **NEVER ** think that b/c the modus operandum is emptiness or non-presence that there is no such thing as metaphysics. Something I’ve noticed in Eastern spirituality.