What is the stance on Vasecotmy for health purposes?

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What is the teaching if we were told to do something like a vasectomy in order to prevent pregnancy. If we conceive again the risks are great to my wife, and may lead to misscariage or stroke for my wife.
I am guessing that you weren’t told to do that by a Catholic hospital. Sterilization is instrinsically evil, as it means to mutate the body for contraceptive purposes. You sound like a great couple to practice NFP conservatively.
What is the teaching if we were told to do something like a vasectomy in order to prevent pregnancy. If we conceive again the risks are great to my wife, and may lead to misscariage or stroke for my wife.
Contraception is always a mortal sin. A vasectomy is contraception.

If your wife should not become pregnant, then you should use Natural Family Planning to postpone pregnancy indefinitely.

Please visit www.ccli.org for information on the Sympto-Thermal Method of NFP or www.creightonmodel.com for the Creighton Method.

You should contact your parish or diocesan offices for a local list of NFP instructors.
You should contact your parish or diocesan offices for a local list of NFP instructors.
There is also a list at the CCL website where you can find teachers in your area. If none are available, there is a home study course that guides you through the process as well. God bless.
What if I told you that contrary to what the doctor’s tell you, if you have a vasectomy, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of pain. I made the mistake of having a vasectomy and there isn’t a day that goes by where there isn’t some sort of pain down south. There are other ways, to plan not to get pregnant. Do yourself a favor and research them.
The only way a vasectomy would be licit is if it were done for a therapeutic reason that directly affected the man … . , not to prevent conception, but to address a physical disorder the man had.

However, (though I am not a doctor) I don’t think there is any physical malady a man might have that would call for a vasectomy. Consequently, the question itself appears to be pointless.
Exactly - lots of people get confused about the Church allowing thie pill for medical reasons. It means for reasons other than to prevent fpregnancy. NOT to prevent pregnancy when it is medically
risky. In cases where a woman faces health risks from pregnancy, the Church teaches the couple must use NFP or abstain.
NFP can be used more or less conservatively, more conservative would mean fewer days for sex, but almost no chance of pregnancy.
I have a life threatening heart problem which would make further pregnancies fatal for me. We use NFP. The church does not allow for vasectomies. Don’t expect the doctors to understand, and very few are informed on NFP -they usually thinks it’s very unreliable. It’s been 9 years and I haven’t become preganant. Contact CCL (Couple to Couple league).
What if I told you that contrary to what the doctor’s tell you, if you have a vasectomy, you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of pain. I made the mistake of having a vasectomy and there isn’t a day that goes by where there isn’t some sort of pain down south. There are other ways, to plan not to get pregnant. Do yourself a favor and research them.
This a fact…I know of a man who in his twenties had a vasectomy after his wife and baby son nearly died after giving birth, the young couple also had a daughter age 2, she had a diffucult time with her too. The doctor advised the mother and father (both only 23) no more children, Scared and uniformed the young man got a vasecotmy. Now at 38 this man is having so many problems that began in his late twenties such as infections and something else nobody bothered to metion the younger you are the higher the risk for prostrate cancer. Please these two people wish they could turn back the clock and use NFP but its to late for them but hopefully someone will read this and understand:blessyou:
Today I told my friend about the post I put up yesterday (see above) and she wanted me to metion to all men get yearly check ups if you unfortunately got a vasecotmy. She wanted me to stress that if you are truly sorry both go to confession and talk to you Parish Priest. They walked around for years feeling guilty and even fell away from the Church because they felt they were not worthy. Thank God they are both back.
Today I told my friend about the post I put up yesterday (see above) and she wanted me to metion to all men get yearly check ups if you unfortunately got a vasecotmy. She wanted me to stress that if you are truly sorry both go to confession and talk to you Parish Priest. They walked around for years feeling guilty and even fell away from the Church because they felt they were not worthy. Thank God they are both back.
Thank you for your concern. I did confess my vasectomy, and boy what a confession that was. It was a relatively new priset and I think I was the first man to ever confess a vasectomy to him. I felt a little sorry for him as he wasn’t sure what to do. He actually sent me home and promised me a call once he talked to a couple of people about how to handle my confession. He promised secrecy of course. Luckily I hadn’t gone too far when my cell phone rang and he asked me to come back for absolution. We have become great friends and I often join him to pray the rosary outside a local Planned Parenthood.
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