You are driving on a road for a long time meanwhile all your conscious mind is occupied on other subject matter. These means that your subconscious mind was taking care of situation. Suddenly something unexpected happen and your conscious mind take the control. Here there are some important questions?
Why the duty is delivered to consciousness mind, while subconscious mind was able to handle the situation for a long time?
How the conscious mind is informed that is supposed to take the control on subject matter?
What is the use of conscious mind while subconscious can experience everything and taking care of the situation without delivering them to conscious mind? In another word why we experience events in our conscious mind?
Why the duty is delivered to consciousness mind, while subconscious mind was able to handle the situation for a long time?
How the conscious mind is informed that is supposed to take the control on subject matter?
What is the use of conscious mind while subconscious can experience everything and taking care of the situation without delivering them to conscious mind? In another word why we experience events in our conscious mind?