What is the use of Consciousness when subconsciousness mind can perform all actions?

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You are driving on a road for a long time meanwhile all your conscious mind is occupied on other subject matter. These means that your subconscious mind was taking care of situation. Suddenly something unexpected happen and your conscious mind take the control. Here there are some important questions?

Why the duty is delivered to consciousness mind, while subconscious mind was able to handle the situation for a long time?

How the conscious mind is informed that is supposed to take the control on subject matter?

What is the use of conscious mind while subconscious can experience everything and taking care of the situation without delivering them to conscious mind? In another word why we experience events in our conscious mind?
Is it accurate to think of your thought processes as being two separate entities, conscious and subconscious? Are you not sometimes aware of three or more processes? Take, for example, driving the car and talking to a passenger while a song is stuck in your mind. I suspect consciousness is many layered, like an onion. :o Or maybe not layered but embedded, like a fruitcake… 😛
Oops! I forgot to answer the OP. The purpose of higher levels of consciousness is to handle tasks that require more attention or deliberation. It’s amazing, though, how much “thinking” can take place subconsciously. For me, analysis and imagination seem to take place both consciously and subconsciously… Or maybe my conscious mind is only taking the credit.
Is it accurate to think of your thought processes as being two separate entities, conscious and subconscious? Are you not sometimes aware of three or more processes? Take, for example, driving the car and talking to a passenger while a song is stuck in your mind. I suspect consciousness is many layered, like an onion. :o Or maybe not layered but embedded, like a fruitcake… 😛
Could we think on two subject matters at the same time? No. Hence we have one consciousness. Could we experience many different events and perform many actions at the same time? Yes. Hence they are done and experienced in subconsciousness.
Yes, Bahman, I see where you’re coming from,
Jesus said that we are to love God ALL THE TIME
so, how’s that POSSIBLE? In the subconscious!
A child could be thoroughly engrossed in play
in the kitchen with her mother busy with the cooking
and duties, but let the mother leave the room and
IMMEDIATELY she notices her mother’s absence!
I would consider that to be the way we should view
Jesus’ opinion of how WE should live… with a God-
The OP is confusing unconsclousness with habit.

There is no unconscious mind. There are natural urges, but that’s not mind, just biology.

Confused people, and the seriously mentally ill, may act mostly or only from natural urges,
but there is no unconscious mind in control.

Some people are fully in control of themselves during normal day to day living involving choices. Habits are like choices made long ago and retained indefinitely.

In emergency situations of certain types, there may responses that are combinations of habit and natural urges if there is no time to think thinks out,
but an unconscious mind would similarly need time to think things out if it deserved the term “mind”, so unconscious mind is not in control, and doesn’t exist as “mind”.

I’d given up the philosophy section because it never seems to go anywhere,
but this subject is one of the “hidden between the lines” themes of my story.
A girl, ( or boy ) who “has it all together” is admirable and desirable.
Of course, somebody who trusts in God and tries to do His will is most likely to “have it all together”.
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