What do you make of these claims about truth, logic, and math?
The objector argues against Platonic realism, the idea that: “conceptual tools like logic and mathematics must necessarily possess a kind of intrinsic existence unto themselves, independent of space and time.” How would Aristotle’s moderate realism play into these claims below?:
The objector argues against Platonic realism, the idea that: “conceptual tools like logic and mathematics must necessarily possess a kind of intrinsic existence unto themselves, independent of space and time.” How would Aristotle’s moderate realism play into these claims below?:
“it’s one thing for an individual to be ‘absolutely certain’ of a given proposition in accordance with well-specified rules, but it’s another thing entirely for that certainty to transcend all time and space across all linguistic and cultural barriers. ‘Truth’ is not a physical entity unto itself, but simply a label given to ideas in accordance with made-up goals. No proposition can ever be ‘absolute,’ in this sense, because no epistemic system is universally binding us to consistently label a given proposition as ‘true.’”
“whenever we talk about a thing like logic, we’re not talking about some intrinsic metaphysical essence of the universe. Rather, what we’re really talking about is a system of rules that operates on linguistic propositions… It is not a singular entity unto itself, nor does it occupy any particular location in the universe. It is, however, a process that people engage in. It’s something you do.”
“science doesn’t ‘presuppose’ anything. It’s a process. You either do science or you to not do science. However, part of doing science is the logical expression of your ideas. Logic is not something that is ‘presupposed’ but rather invented to express ideas in a rigorous manner.”
“[The law of non-contradiction] doesn’t [describe reality]. LNC is a rule imposed on language and propositions. Nothing more. Failure to abide by LNC is simply a failure to put words together properly… Contradictions are not allowed to mean anything in our use of language. The only reason contradictions don’t ‘exist in nature’ is because contradictions literally ‘don’t describe anything.’ They are words put together wrongly.”
(continued below)“logic is a human invention that governs the manipulation of propositions. Logical rules are thus analytic in nature, and do nothing to describe objective reality. They only dictate the rules by which we TALK about reality.”
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