That which cannot change.
How would we know what is true?
Acknowledging that which cannot change’
Is Truth known by everyone?
Known, yes. Understood and accepted, no.
What is the difference between facts and truth?
Facts are the who, what, why, where, when and how of truth.
Is our existence dependent on truth?
If we would cease to exist the truth that we did exist remains.
Is our existence meaningful outside of our own existence, or is God the one who gives meaning to our existence?
Apart from THE immutable one there would be no meaning and no existence. All truths are dependant upon immutability, for to be a truth, something needs to be constant.
I existed yesterday. Today, it is a truth that I existed on Sep. 24 2008 by the reckoning of time I kept. This is not changeable. My existence today is dependant on the truth of my existence yesterday. If this truth could change, so could my existence.
We could go a step further. Whatever has happened in time cannot be changed by what is happening or will happen. Even if time were to change how it functions reverting back to its inception, the truth that I existed on sep. 24 2008 by the reckoning of time I kept before time changed would still remain.
There has to be an immutability (or immutable one) that keeps truth from changing. If not, what would keep truth from inverting on itself, or one truth from nullifying another? If merely natural law, what xould possibly be said to force it to be constant.