What is your attitude to death?

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Not sure what you mean. Eschatology is about the four last things; death, judgement, Heaven and Hell. When we die we are judged, then we ultimately go to eternity in Heaven or Hell.
Not sure what you mean. Eschatology is about the four last things; death, judgement, Heaven and Hell. When we die we are judged, then we ultimately go to eternity in Heaven or Hell.
Welcome to the forum! 🙂

I’m interested to know your thoughts and feelings on the subject.
Because it is how God intended it. Life is always terminal; regardless of our attitude on it. I chose to accept that fact long ago. My only concern on the matter is the state of my soul at the time it occurs. Therefore, I try to ensure that I go to confession often, I avoid sin as best I am able, I carry a laminated card in my wallet saying that “I am a Catholic” and if I am found in a life-threatening situation, to please call a Catholic priest. I don’t go around worrying about it but I am at peace with the idea. Actually, there are times that I wish it were to happen immediately. Generally, these times correspond with having just finished confession. 😃

Seriously, I have a serious heart condition that was diagnosed 6 years ago. I know that my time is limited and I can choose to worry about it and taint the time I have left, or I can accept and look forward to it, trust God and what the Church has taught me. I choose the later. 👍 In a way, I consider myself blessed. There are a vast amount of people who go about their lives never giving it any thought. Then, if death overtakes them unexpectedly, they are caught off-guard and possibly unprepared.
I’m with St. Paul on this 👍

Greetings Trevor Stamm,

I could not have said it any better.

Greetings to all those posting and or reading this thread,

I am ready for death, only by the grace of God. I am not afraid of dying. See my signature. Death is but the door to eternity. How I long to see God face to face.

God Bless.
Anathama Sit
I don’t want to die, but I’m not scared to do so. I welcome it when God chooses. On some level I enjoy my life and my children. I know my kids will get the same chance for purgatory/heaven that I have, and I spend a great deal of time with them. There are others I want to have more time to convince though. I guess it is a selfish want. But it’s honest.
I’m afraid because I don’t want to disappoint our Father in this life, nor make His Son’s sacrifice appear that it was in vain to me. Death is scary because to me because I want to please God so badly, yet looking when reading the bible and learning about the path to becoming one of His own, I feel anguish and sometimes forget about the reward that I could inherit.
I see death as a transit point from life on this earth to life in Heaven.🙂 and the one bringing me there is Jesus.
Gives me the jitters!
There are many people who prepare their own graves in advance; not just the graves, but even the coffins.:eek:
Knowing its inevitability, however, I have always asked God to make it happen at the time I am at my spiritual best, so to speak 🙂
Death only has meaning in Christ. Otherwise, it is our worthless inheritance.

Remember, in the Beginning, when God set Man in the Garden of Eden, He gave Man the ability to eat of every plant but one: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Remember also that another tree was there, of which it was not forbidden to partake: the Tree of Life. Man was supposed to eat of this second tree, but when Adam and Ee partook of the forbidden fruit, God Who cannot abide sin, still caring for His creation, had to separate Himself and His creation.

In the fullness of time, God came, as a Man, and conquered death by death, taking upon Himself the weight of our transgressions and offering again everlasting life. Because of the corrosion of these bodies, God has promised to raise up our bodies at the end of time as we know it - bodies as they were meant to be.

We were never meant to die.
I certainly have a natural fear of it, but Christ gives me hope and strength to face it.
I consider death a bridge between this life and the one for which we were created. Having said that, I do have some fear. I know that God is merciful, but I am very aware fo my own failures.
There is a certain depth that is beutiful about death. a Macabre attractiveness. Not to sound like a lover or anything. I think it is a beginning, I only can hope I try to walk in Christ’s path as much as possible. I don’t fear it, for running the mind over and over again about it’s eventual departure one can easily go crazy. I think to many poeple think that sine you are heading that way to end of the line to live wildly. I think we do oursleves a diservice. I know I will be judged, and I know I will repent and be sorry so things I have done in this life, but God is with me so I do not fear the valley of death. Not expecting a free ride through the gates, but if purgatory is my road even if I do become like a saint then at least my salvation will be guarenteed. There is a saying said by soldiers, I always think of my Grandpa when I say it. it goes, “When I get into heaven, to Saint Peter I will tell, yes sir repoerting for duty sir, I’ve served my time in hell”. Plus it’d be nice to give a little nudge to the Atheist, on the way to say see I told ya so. 👍
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