I don’t know catholics who function in the ministry gifts of 1 cor. 12. Who do you know?
I know many people who exhibit the gifts of Knowledge, Wisdom, Faith, and Discerning of Spirits. I know many people who have experienced healing through Catholic Priests through the Sacraments, especially that of Eucharist, Confession, and Anointing of sick. I would include myself in receiving spiritual healing that could only be described as miraculous through Confession. I personally do not know of anyone who spoke in tongues or understood tongues.
On utube I see non- catholics demonstrate this gift. Very easy.
Was it truly a “gift of the Spirit” or just a good show? How do you know the difference? Is talking in gibberish that no one understands, including the speaker, actually what speaking in tongues in 1 Corinthians 12 actually means? It should be taken in the full context including 1 Corinthians Chapter 14.
I was taught that catholic has the fullness but it seems that fullness is praying to Mary and the saints.
What is the result of that?
The fullness is primarily the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of the Faith. Since the Eucharist is Christ Jesus, that would also include the Church which is his body and made up of the Saints both living still on earth or living with Christ in Heaven. By necesity than, having the fullness of Christ also includes Mary and the Saints. On a personal level, I attribute my re-conversion to Christ to the intercession of St. Joseph, St. Jude, The Blessed Virgin Mary (in a very special way), and also the intercession of my parents prayers, who are still living on earth, for me. All of my prayers to them for their intercession led me more fully to Christ.
If you pray to Mary to pray effectively in tongues with interpretation and prophecy will it be effective?
I don’t know anyone who prays to Mary with that intention.
Does Mary give training on how to pray with demonstrated results?
Yes, read the Bible. She “pondered all these things in her heart” (Luke 2:19). This is essentially what is being done when we pray the Rosary. We are pondering the mystery of the Life of Christ from his birth, ministry, suffering and death, and glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven.