What is your favorite action adventure movie?

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I was looking for something to watch tonight. 🙂 I’m not even sure what mine is actually but still.
The entire Indiana Jones series is a favorite, even though the last one is pretty bad.

F/X is a great movie about a special effects guy set up by the cops and the mob.
Gunga Din. Try it. For its time (1939), that was on-the-edge-of-your-seat stuff!
REDS AND REDS 2. (Have to add this as idiot site won’t accept answer as a complete sentence.)
The Train is an amazing action-packed film starring Burt Lancaster as the leader of a resistance of French railroad men trying to keep an obsessed Nazi colonel from taking a train full of the world’s greatest art to Germany before the Allies take back the country.

In making the film the real-life French government wanted to clear the railways for a new system they were building, so all of the filmed train crashes and explosiions were real and not special effects.
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I like The Terminator movies, with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

If you like him in action movies, he was in a movie called “Commando” in 1985.

The plot is that his daughter gets kidnapped and he goes to find her. It’s action-packed and it’s on the violent side, with things getting blown up in the movie.
I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time a few years ago. Man, that is a good movie. I need to watch it again.
Matrix (the first one, the rest are garbage by my standards)
The Thirteenth Floor
Minority Report
Edge of Tomorrow
Oblivion (I would say this is a good time waster, nothing special)
Mad Max 2
28 days later
Time Crimes (good time travel film)
Back to the future series (Legendary)
They Live (Legendary)
Scanners (best film I’ve seen dealing with psychic powers)
Total Recall (legendary)
The Mist
District 9 (okay film)
Looper (Time travel with violent action, quite good in my opinion.)
Starship troopers
12 monkeys (great time travel thriller)
Predator 1 and predator 2
The Fly
Alien (Legendary)
Aliens (Legendary)
Children Of Men (Legendary)
The Thing (Legendary, the practical effects are amazing)

You may have noticed that most of these films are science fiction. That’s because i am a scfi nut!
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