I would also like to know more about this.
Bl. Pius IX’s in the
Syllabus of Errors, lists these as the 55th and 77th errors:
“The Church ought to be separated from the .State, and the State from the Church. — Allocution ‘Acerbissimum,’ Sept. 27, 1852.”
“In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship. — Allocution “Nemo vestrum,” July 26, 1855.”
I think it will be a long while before I will be qualified to have strong views on government and economics and such, but I’m interested in picking up what different views are out there, and what is most compatible with the Catholic Faith.
Charles Coulombe K.C.S.S. is a Catholic historian, who is a monarchist, and I think he has a lot of great insight that we don’t often hear.